How to Remove LAG from Call Of Duty Mobile

Welcome! If you are one of those who enjoys playing Call of Duty Mobile but you don’t know what to do to make the games go more smoothly, then you have reached the indicated post. Later we will show you the most effective tips to remove the LAG from Call Of Duty Mobile and increase the FPS easily.

Helpful Tips To Remove LAG From Call Of Duty Mobile And Increase FPS

Here you can read several recommendations to eliminate the lag of Call of Duty Mobile and improve the performance of games on Android quickly and easily.

Lower quality to a minimum

Normally, Call of Duty Mobile is responsible for adjusting the quality of the graphics depending on the mobile you have. But, in case it doesn’t adjust automatically, then you will have to do it yourself.

To do this you must go to the game menu and select the option ‘Sound and graphics’. Once inside, you must select low graphic quality and in this way you can reduce the load level of the mobile processor. On the other hand, we remind you that the space it occupies in RAM is also essential for you to enjoy a high FPS rate.

Frames per second

In this mobile version of Call of Duty there is an option that gives us the opportunity to force the execution of a specific number of frames per second within the game.

Without a doubt, we recommend activating this option if you have a high-end or high-end mobile device. Otherwise you will have to put this option to the minimum so that the processor does not suffer so much, which translates into a notable improvement in performance in the games . However, you will have a higher FPS rate.

Game shadows and textures

Another good option that exists to improve the performance of Call of Duty Mobile is to deactivate the quality of the shadows, the sawtooth that the textures generate and the depth of field. This will be very helpful if you have a mid-range phone, as it will significantly increase the FPS rate.

This is because if we have activated the options that we named above, the processor and GPU will have a much higher load , so the performance of the graphics will look less fluid.

More tips

Beware of sensitivity

Within the settings of this video game for Android there is an option that allows us to adjust the sensitivity of the controls. While it is true that this option will not worsen or improve the graphics of the game , it does influence how fast our player’s camera will move in the game. So, if we have a mobile that does not have a powerful RAM, we will suffer an image delay (also known as lag) when moving around the map or targeting our enemies.

For this reason, we recommend that you do not go overboard when adjusting the sensitivity of first person camera movement . However, the downside of this is that we will be slower to aim or turn around in case someone is shooting at us from a blind spot.

Free up internal memory storage

One of the biggest problems is when the memory of our mobile is almost completely full , since this significantly affects the performance of the most demanding applications. In other words, the more files, photos and apps you have in memory, the longer it will take for the phone to find the required record. That is why we recommend freeing up internal storage space on your Android.

Do not forget to activate the game mode

Currently, there are many manufacturers who have decided to include a specific mode to improve the performance of mobile games. This mode reduces the processes running in the background, which increases the performance of the RAM and the processor.

To find out if your mobile has this ‘game mode’ you should check in the settings section and so you can activate it when it goes so that you can remove the Call of Duty Mobile lag and increase the FPS.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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