How to Remove Face Wrinkles in Photoshop

Who would not like to appear in photos with a smooth and flawless face ? Yes, many of us would like to come out perfect. However, the reality is that over the years, our face changes and with it come wrinkles that can be stressful.

Fortunately, image editing programs such as Photoshop, manage to provide you with functions with which to remove those annoying wrinkles in photos. That is why in the following tutorial, we will detail how to remove or eliminate wrinkles on the face in Photoshop in a simple way, let’s get started!

How can we remove or remove wrinkles from the face in Photoshop?

To start making our art there are different ways thanks to the different tools that the famous Adobe Photoshop program has at its disposal . For example, using the spot correction brush, playing with opacity, using filters and also relying on the layer mask.

So, in order not to waste time, we are going to begin to reveal each of these procedures and learn how to eliminate wrinkles on the face:

1. Spot Concealer Brush

This is a well-known tool that many turn to, as most photos have some retouching or correction. The way the spot correction brush works is by replacing the content of the area to be worked on with another nearby area:

  • Choose a photograph that you want to perfect
  • Go to the layers panel and click on “Create a new layer” . You are going to name this new layer «Wrinkles».
  • To zoom right in the area of ​​the wrinkles of the photograph, we will use the Magnifying glass , click Ctrl +.
  • Then we are going to use the Healing Brush, adjusting its size to approximately 22 px and as for the “mode”, it will be Normal and “origin”, leave it in Sampled .
  • We are going to deactivate the Aligned option and in Samples , choose «All».

The next thing is to start doing the magic with the correction brush, taking samples of smooth skin close to wrinkled . This is accomplished by holding down the Alt key for a few seconds and at the same time clicking on a region of smooth skin.

Then after taking the sample, you stop pressing Alt and then paint over the area of ​​skin with wrinkles.

2. Filters

In addition to the more direct and simple action with the concealer brush, we also have the option of the Dust and Scratches filter to remove wrinkles. First duplicate the layer in Layer> Duplicate Layer, then on this created layer you will execute Filter> Noise> Dust and Scratches.

Depending on the image you have chosen, the value of radius and threshold will vary, for one of 4200px, a radius of 4 and threshold 0.

Now, if you know how to use the Gaussian blur filter to blur, this is a great ally to improve the appearance of our face. You will find this following the path Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur and as for the value of the radius it must be minimum, 2 for example.

3. Layer mask

If you already know what is the layer mask of Adobe Photoshop, we can benefit from its functions to eliminate wrinkles. To do this, go to the Layers Window and on its left you will find a small button called Layer Mask.

Then you press the “Mask” button which you can identify as a white rectangle in the Layers Window. Then click on the Cmd + I buttons , thus inverting the color and leaving us in black.

Thanks to this action, you will be able to see where the layer contains the new skin and notice where to apply changes or not. So using the Brush tool in its White color you will be working on that selected layer mask.

It is recommended that you paint white those areas that are not like the edge of the nose or the eyebrows.

In this way we have finished this simple tutorial on how to remove or eliminate wrinkles from the face with Photoshop. By applying these tips, your face or the one you are going to work for will surely look smoother and more youthful , that is, perfect!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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