How To Reduce Cost Of Production In Agriculture

How To Reduce Cost Of Production In Agriculture. Reducing the cost of production in agriculture is a critical goal for farmers and agricultural businesses to improve profitability and sustainability. Here are several strategies you can consider:

How To Reduce Cost Of Production In Agriculture.

1. Crop rotation

Recurring crops of the same type, such as tomato cultivation , constantly grown on the same soil produce: depletion of specific nutrients and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms that cause pests and diseases .

Crop rotation allows:

  • Improve the availability of different nutrients.
  • Enrich the soil with different types of microorganisms, which produce substances that favor the interactions produced in the soil, improving the soil structure.
  • Cut the life cycles of pathogenic microorganisms.

Our decade of experience observing this type of crops allows us to recommend the use of effective.

 Soil cover and biological corridors

When crops are permanent , such as fruit trees, the soil should ideally be covered with different types of plants – we recommend that they be native – so that the sun’s rays do not affect the presence of microorganisms , forming biological corridors that enrich the soil with the proliferation of different types of bioactive substances beneficial for the crop.

99 % of soil processes occur in the rhizosphere , effective microorganisms in symbiosis with the roots produce substances that maintain the balance of the ecosystem. The use of EM Technology promotes the increase of rootlets and consequently favors the recovery and maintenance of the soil from accelerated deterioration.

3. Organic amendments

Organic amendments can be of plant or animal origin , their function is to maintain or increase the organic matter content of the soil , improve its physical properties and also improve its biological activity .

4. Green manures.

This strategy supplies a large amount of nutrients , especially nitrogen, improves soil structure , helps control weeds and the natural regulation of pests and diseases, and also activates the soil’s microbial population. Some of these are legumes, grasses, and others such as fodder turnips, etc.

5. Minimum tillage and recycling of crop residues

hese are practices that consist of intervening as little as possible in the soil when cultivating it so as not to interfere with the natural processes that take place there , in addition to using crop residues as natural fertilizers, closing the production cycle.

The most important benefits of this strategy are:

  • Maintain soil moisture by increasing filtration and reducing evaporation.
  • Protect the soil structure.
  • Control soil erosion.
  • Stimulate soil biological activity.
  • Allow savings in labor, nutrients and the use of heavy machinery.