Hey RijoGamers, if for some reason you deleted a game from your Steam account, today I will show you how you can Recover Deleted or Deleted Games from Steam.

Is it possible to recover deleted games from steam?

The answer to this question is a resounding YES. This is because Steam puts the game in a kind of vault (to call it something), which allows you to recover it.

When you delete a game the application is literally deleted from your library, but steam will keep you the option to recover it again.

What is the difference between Uninstall and Delete a game on steam?

I want to make this point clear, because many people sometimes get confused with both terms:

Uninstall : When we choose this option in Steam, the only thing that will happen is that the game will be removed from your PC, but it will remain in your account and you can reinstall it whenever you want.

Delete: When you delete a game on Steam, it will be permanently removed from your library, so you will not be able to reinstall it unless you recover it as we will teach you in this tutorial.

What do I do to recover deleted games on steam?

To recover your game you must follow some simple and very short steps, which we will list below:

  1. Open your steam app.
  2. At the top of the application select the help menu and then Steam support.
  3. In the options that will open, go all the way down; You will find a search engine where you will have to write the name of the game that you deleted and want to recover.
  4. When your game appears click on it.
  5. From the options that appear click on: Restore Previously Removed Package to my Account .
    • Important Note: If your game has not been deleted you will not see this option.
  6. If you followed all the steps correctly, it will give you the following message:
    The package (name of your game / application) has been restored to your account (name of your account)
  7. And that’s it, you already have the game back in your library. It only remains that you install it and enjoy!