How to recognize drug addict

Is it possible to determine by some psychological signs that this person is a drug addict? For example, a young girl decided to get married and her friend does not drink or consume, but she does not believe and says: “I don’t know what to do. If I get married, what if he is an alcoholic or a drug addict. ” Is it possible to find out that she is a drug addict by what a person is in a normal sober state? What criteria can be used to determine this? It turns out you can. In psychology, there is such a concept as the attitudes of a drug addicted person.

What is installation in general? This is the focus of consciousness, caused by certain needs. Before we see or hear something, we, first of all, a priori imagine or invent this thing for ourselves, and only then we see this thing. Psychologists have already proven that before seeing something, we first anticipate this something and only then see. This is the installation.

It turns out that a drug addicted person has such attitudes by which one can determine that she once used drugs, although it is possible that she has not used it for a year. The main destructive attitudes of a person prone to drug use are: an attitude toward imaginary satisfaction of a need, an attitude toward quick satisfaction of a need with little effort, an attitude toward passive methods of defense when faced with difficulties, an attitude toward rejection of responsibility for one’s actions, an attitude toward preference for egocentric altruistic motivations, an attitude towards little mediation of activity, an attitude to be content with temporary and not quite adequate results of activity.

So, the most important attitude of a drug addict is the attitude that it will not become with the least effort and quickly achieve the desired. In other words, if there is any goal, then the drug addicted person does not want to go any long way towards this goal, i.e. she wants to reach it urgently and quickly, but at no cost. Such a person walking towards the goal does not look under his feet.

Example. The man drank alcohol and got behind the wheel. Intoxicated. As soon as I got behind the wheel, I had already mentally “arrived” at the intended point, although I had not yet started to move. And, therefore, when he tries to drive, to hold the steering wheel, then everything interferes with him (and why does he care – he has already “arrived” mentally and figuratively for himself).

Therefore, the road for a person in an intoxicated state is already something superfluous. Thus, a drug addicted person (alcoholic or drug addict), being sober, has intolerance. She cannot endure any trials for a long time. If she sets a goal, then she needs to achieve it faster. Haste, incontinence – this is what usually betrays a drug addict.

Example. The plumber Potapov, an alcoholic “seventh grade”, came to your apartment on call and began to turn the screws. Twisted and tired. He was sweating, sweating and said: “Wow! Heavy. We must wash it. ” Actually, he did nothing at all, but he was tired, and for him it was a whole process. From what? From the fact that he has already done all this, being intoxicated in images, but in reality he still has to do something and this prospect tires him. Why? Because while he is doing this, he already imagines in advance that he has already finished all this and has already spent the money he earned. In general, alcoholics work very hard in a state of hangover.

Or vice versa. A teetotaler came. He did it easily and did not feel tired.

Example. Often girls ask: “How to define an alcoholic my friend or not? Now all the guys consume beer at their advantage. And how to be? Are all potential alcoholics working out? But what about us? Now he drinks beer – four bottles a day, and then there will be something else. What can you do? I will repeat the fate of my mother. Etc. etc.”.

This is one of the problems. Is it possible to define alcoholism if the guys, for the most part, before making a serious offer to a woman, preen themselves, i.e. may even abstain from alcohol for a year or two. And then the woman gets married and finds out who he is. He comes, i.e. creeps up in two months and tragedies begin. His ex-girlfriends say that he was always what he was. But the girl was sure that he would pull himself together, but he did not take up … for the old. Why? Because alcoholism is a chronic disease and alcoholic attitudes of the personality are long-term. As the saying goes: an alcoholic once – an alcoholic forever. There are many alcoholic attitudes of the personality. They manifest themselves under various circumstances. Therefore, they can be identified. On the other hand, note that these attitudes of the addicted person are also inherent in the normal person. After all, such a characteristic as incontinence. Moreover, there are individuals who have alcoholic attitudes and are not alcoholics. Sometimes it happens. All their attitudes are destructive, they are restless, but they do not consume. Most often this is due to heredity. Therefore, it happens that a person has these attitudes purely by nature, he was born that way. And there are purchased ones.

Example. One woman at the reception says: “There was a man so good, balanced, kind, I loved him, and suddenly they changed. Where did it all go?

The propensity to consume is different for everyone. Individuals who have an “alcoholic” character by nature, not yet being alcoholics, are often not restrained, destructive, they need everything so that it does not become faster. They are restless, impractical, and neurotic. And, of course, such a person is more prone to drug addiction. Why? When such a person drinks, she makes a discovery, figuratively and sensually achieving what she dreamed of. In any case, there are illusions that she has achieved everything. And so, being sober, she walks around, gets bored and does nothing. Tackling one thing – it doesn’t work, tackling another – it doesn’t work either! But at the end of the day he drank and everything worked out. An illusion is immediately created that everything worked out, that everything was rounded off. Thus, people very often consume from frustration, from the fact that they do not know how to achieve goals, rejoice in the process of overcoming. And this chronically accumulating dissatisfaction with oneself gives rise, in particular, to drunkenness.

Example. One man said so at the reception: “This is how long I have been living, nothing works for me. What should I do? Now I like myself to drink. For a while, for two hours, as if everything is rounding out and everything seems to be not bad. ”

Many people believe that a drug addict can be identified by their appearance. It is not always so. For example, a man looks like an alcoholic. Today he is more swollen than ever, but he actually has a runny nose or sore throat. Outward signs are deceiving. Outwardly, it is almost impossible to define a drug addict. It is easy to determine only at the third stage of drug addiction, i.e. when the liver, kidneys are affected, skin color, general tone, eye color changes.

For our analysis, psychological signs are more important. One of the important such signs is their ability to deceive, bluff and manipulate.

Any drug addict will never tell you directly about his addictions .. She will always bluff, cheat, manipulate. She has sophisticated bluffing techniques. Our research shows that drug addicts have an order of magnitude more bluffing techniques than other criminals. Why? Because their bluff is fueled by strong motivation and desires, with the help of which you can “turn mountains.” Their intelligence sometimes works like a machine. All knowledge, all creativity, all abilities of the addict are directed towards drug use.

So, their very first favorite trick is falsification. In this case, drug addicts cheat, bluff head-on, directly. Without any disguises and curtsies, i.e. primitive. Falsification characterizes the amount of deliberately false information on the merits of the issue under consideration.

Example. The addict’s mother asks her son: “Have you been to school today?” He says: “Was.” Directly, moreover, peering into the eyes. He hasn’t been to school for a year. He says that he was, moreover, he looks frank with such eyes. In other words, drug addicts often get so tired of everything that they are completely indifferent to everything. There is no morality and the person lies directly. Such addicts are very dangerous. They borrow money, they never give it back.

Second trick This is distortion . The word itself speaks for itself. This is when information is distorted. And often this technique follows the law: a repeatedly repeated lie is the truth.

Example. The mother of a drug addict son asks: “Have you been to school today?” He says, “Yes. I was, but I missed half. ” In fact, the son was not at school at all.

The third trick is semi-bluff and semi-cheating. This is more complicated. If during the falsification the addict told a lie directly. In case of distortion, a reformulation of speech took place, then in case of semi-bluff, there is a mixture of truth and lies. In other words, a drug addict can say a lot of things that really happened, but this, according to a certain logic, is linked to lies.

Example. “My friends and I went to the reading room to study (lie).” But the mother exposes her son because at that time he went to the birthday of a drug addict friend. After that, the son logically connects the lie with the truth: “Well, yes, at first we worked out quickly, and then we went to his birthday.”

The person in this case can tell the truth a lot, but the most important thing he can hide. In general, there are two types of semi-bluffs: logical ordered and chaotic.

The fourth method is disguise. Here lies are not communicated at all. She’s just disguised. A lie can be masked by another lie or truth. Truth can be masked by another truth or falsehood.

Example. Drug addicts commit some crime and when their relatives ask them about it, they simplify the situation and reduce everything to some kind of legends. A drug addict may say: “I didn’t hijack the car, I just took it for a drive, without waiting for the owner, who would have allowed me to drive it anyway”.

Example. The addict can mask the fact that he is using the drug with some more harmless lie. For example, “I have not the eyes of a drug addict, but simply not a sleepy person.” He doesn’t tell anything, he doesn’t even lie, he just disguises her.

Example. An addict has committed a terrorist act (this is the essential truth). It means that this is an essential truth and the investigator knows it, but from the mouth of a drug addict there is an expression like “the household gas just exploded, and we happened to be there”. This is not an essential lie. An essential truth is masked by an essential lie.

Example. “Mom, we don’t use drugs at all, we just cheer up a little.”

Fifth trick. Disorientation. It characterizes the amount of irrelevant true or false information in order to distract from the essence of the issue under consideration. Disorientation with a drug addict proceeds according to the formula: “You tell him about Thomas, and he tells you about Eremu.”

Example. Often in a psychologist’s office, when a drug addict is asked a question, he answers something completely different. One empty chatter.

Next is the sixth reception. Default. In this case, nothing is reported at all. And if it is, it is not completely.

Example. The addict tells a lot, but does not say the most important thing. As a result, the actions and work of psychologists and educators often turn out to be without results.

Example. When among drug addicts law enforcement agencies are trying to determine where the drug is sold, drug addicts do not say much and keep silent, presenting only a piece of the truth


by Abdullah Sam
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