How to put the cat filter in Zoom

The Zoom video calling app is no longer exclusive to the world of work, and many users want to activate the cat filter when making video calls with their family, friends or in other informal conversations.

We have already explained how Zoom works in depth , and it was recently added the novelty of face filters in Zoom . In general, the ones that are included are quite simple, with mustaches, hats or glasses, and those of animals are limited to putting ears and whiskers.

The cat filter that went viral after a lawyer used it by mistake during a US trial actually belongs to With the Live! Cam Avatar, a program pre-installed on some older Dell computers, sold before 2010.

Obtaining it is not only quite complicated, but it can cause problems in current equipment, so a good alternative is Snap Camera, a program from the creators of Snapchat , which can be downloaded on PC or Mac to apply the effect with our webcam. .

The steps are simple if we know what to do, just follow this tutorial:

  • The first step is to obtain the free program that can be downloaded on computers:
  • Download Snap Camera for PC or Mac
  • On the Snapchat website we will click on “Download” , at the end of the screen that opens we will mark the boxes of the legal conditions and to indicate that we are not an automatic system. It is not necessary to provide the email, we can click on “Download for Mac” or “Download for PC” depending on the computer we have:
  • We will install the software like any other program on our computer, and when we finish we will execute it.
  • When opening Snap Camera we must activate the filter that we will later use in Zoom, in the search engine we will enter “cat” (“cat”) or “kitten” (“kitten”) to choose the one we like the most:

Web: 3D cat filter (Snapchat)

  • Once chosen, a virtual webcam called Snap Camera will appear on our PC or Mac , which when choosing it in an application will show us with the cat filter.
  • Now we can open Zoom and enter a video call (or initiate it ourselves). Next to the “Start video / Stop video” icon, click on the arrow pointing up to activate Snap Camera.
  • The cat filter that we have configured will be displayed on our face :
  • To disable the cat filter we will return to the original webcam , which can be called “USB Video Device” in Windows (or the model name) and which is usually “FaceTime HD Camera” on Mac. It will not work to deactivate Zoom’s own filters, since in this case it is external.

If we need more details about using Snap Camera, we have explained how to use Snapchat filters on computer . They are not limited to just Zoom, any program or platform will accept them, and there are many effects besides the cat.

With the cat filter we can animate Zoom calls , and this tutorial can also be applied to Google Meet , Microsoft Teams or any video call system on PC and Mac.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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