How to put a hashtag above the video title on YouTube

Hashtag, word in English that in Spanish means label ; nowadays it is widely used at the level of social networks, and twitter was the first to use it; It is characterized because it is made up of a word or several keywords, preceded by a hash or symbol, called a numeral. Do you know how to put a hashtag in the title of a youtube video?

How to Put a Hashtag Above the Video Title on YouTube

But what is hashtags and what are they for? You have to know how to use them correctly according to the occasion, since hashtags or labels are largely the key to making successful videos on YouTube .

The idea is to classify the content on the networks, so that users can locate the word or a topic. This will follow up or exchange opinions between them; When you click on the hashtag, everything related to that word or the group of them is displayed.

What should we take into account to place a hashtag?

Putting a hashtag is simple, first identify the content you want to share, a keyword or a series of them . If you decide on several, it is advisable to use upper and lower case to facilitate reading; The number symbol must be placed first, then the first letter of each word must be capitalized , and the others must be lowercase. All letters must be glued.

Hashtags should not be abused, it is important to put few words and not repeat them . If many users share the same hashtag, it will become a trend; Although each social network has different rules for users to put them in their publications.

For example Twitter only allows 140 characters, so users can put two hashtags to share. In the case of Instagram, you can place up to four per post; Thanks to the fact that the different social networks are interconnected, it may be convenient to generate hashtags for Instagram automatically on Android , which connect with your YouTube channel.

What are the policies to follow to use hashtags on YouTube?

It is important to follow some rules , for example that you should not place hashtags that are not related to the video to be shared, also those that are destined to harassment, humiliation, intimidation or threats are prohibited; likewise all those who incite violence or hatred, because they will be withdrawn.

Videos should not be tagged with too many tags , no more than fifteen, because the content will be ignored or even deleted. Those that contain any content of a sexual nature are not allowed, those with obscene or offensive terms are also excluded; It is important to know all these rules to avoid inconveniences.

How to put a hashtag above the title of a video on YouTube?

In order to make searches for certain content more precise on YouTube, new hashtags have been incorporated, including at the level of titles and descriptions of the videos and they work in a similar way to what already exists on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Before, videos were searched by title, now on YouTube you can get them with hashtags, for example by writing # Olimpiadas2020 in the search bar; Next we are going to explain how to place a hashtag above the video title on YouTube, the purpose is to position them and make them easy to find.

To do this, we click on the “Edit Video” button that is located on the right side of the title, then the description field appears, where the hashtag (s) is added at the end of the text ; You can place several if you wish, but only the first three will be shown, taking into account of course the policies mentioned above.

If you have no idea what words to use for hashtag, you can solve that problem by tagging YouTube with keywords from the Keyword Tool . It is an online tool with which you can search for the main trends of the moment.

To conclude, we can mention that the placement of hashtags is done very easily and quickly, in addition to being very useful tools for the identification, communication, positioning and greater visibility of your videos


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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