How to prevent Apple Store purchases from an iPhone

Safeguarding our integrity and ensuring our security are not elements that can remain in the background. They should always be our priority and their details distress us. Update to the latest version of the App Store.  This is as demanding as preventing a purchase request from the Apple Store to prevent a child from buying without permission. Since comfort, integrity and security, it applies to many aspects of digital dynamics.

The iTunes and App Store purchase history should always be consulted as a security, prevention and device monitoring measure . If you have small children. In the same way, it is possible to delete or cancel pending purchases in iTunes , so it will be necessary to take sharp prevention measures.

Technology is a powerful thing, and children are extremely adept at it, and can even download iPhone applications from the Apple App Store without an iTunes account. Therefore, it is necessary to be cautious and know how to deactivate or block purchases in the Apple Store to prevent a child from buying without permission.

Index( )

  1. Steps to disable Apple Store purchases and prevent my child from buying without my permission
  2. How do parental controls work on Apple devices?
    1. On iPhone
    2. On iPad
    3. ipod touch
  3. What other measures are there to prevent purchases from the Apple Store without permission?
  4. How can I activate the questions before making a purchase from the Apple Store
  5. How to request a password before making a purchase
    1. On your mac
    2. On your iphone
    3. On iPad
  6. Can I cancel an unwanted purchase from the Apple Store?

Steps to disable Apple Store purchases and prevent my child from buying without my permission

This is possible, in addition to being the most recommended and the most suitable, to prevent the request for purchases in the Apple Store without permission . There are several ways, but you can opt for the most decisive, which is to deactivate or block purchases in the Apple Store, and thus prevent a child from buying without permission. This will be achieved, configuring within the Time of use space. Let’s see how to do it.

  1. The initial thing will be to go to adjustments. Once there, you must go to “Time of use” where you will choose “activate”.
  2. Now it will be necessary to configure this security redoubt. For this, it must be considered between whether it is applied to one’s own mobile or that of the child, in order to make the pertinent modifications.
  3. If you want to prevent a third party from modifying this space, you can use a code, which will be requested at the time of trying to make the modification. Only “ use code for airtime” should be chosen and can be created.
  4. If it is the infant’s mobile, the option of “parent code” can be chosen. In both cases, it is recommended that the codes for each case be different in characters from the screen lock codes.
  5. Now you must proceed to click on ” content and privacy restrictions”.
  6. There the App Store and iTunes optionswill be marked .

Another action to take to prevent the request for purchases in the Apple Store without permission:

  1. Enter settings, as an initial step.
  2. Go directly to “Time of use”
  3. There, opt for the section on “content and privacy restrictions.”

How do parental controls work on Apple devices?

Preventing the request for purchases in the Apple Store is an option that can be disabled with the parental functions . In this way, anyone who grasps our mobile devices is prevented from making purchases in this virtual store. To do this you just have to adjust some restrictions on your phone.

Parental controls work as a blocking device in certain apps like the Apple Store. In this way, passwords or security questions can be added so that the application knows that it is you who is making a purchase.

Parental controls function as the airtime that parents want their children to use their devices . In this sense, through this option parents can have under their control any aspect of their children’s devices.

On iPhone

On cell phones created by Apple, you can perform actions such as preventing the request for purchases in the Apple Store. In this sense, the communications of a telephone can also be restricted through its messaging applications.

For websites, limitations can be made regarding access to web pages. So in this way, you can be sure that your child does not consume inappropriate content. This function is placed by making an age restriction on the iPhone phone.

On iPad

For iPads tablets, you can prohibit access to specific sites through parental controllers. In the same way, you can prohibit the request for purchases in the Apple Store so that no one makes purchases in this store without your consent. You can also establish an estimated time of use of these devices, after this time the iPad will be locked and only you will be able to unlock it.

ipod touch

These video game consoles are the perfect devices to apply parental controllers. Since you can avoid that children spend hours and hours playing any game. For this, you can put a temporary limit on the use of iPod touch or a time limit on the use of a specific application, in this case a game.

What other measures are there to prevent purchases from the Apple Store without permission?

The security and safeguard measures cannot be linked only to one possibility , since this limits and obliges the user to opt for the only one that exists. In this particular, Apple is very cautious, since it knows that not only the safety of its users is important, investing a large amount of money and time in it.

But it will also be, to be able to offer you a wide range from which you can choose, so that you achieve your objectives in the way that you consider best, or in the one that best suits your needs and desires. They are as follows.

You may want to put a direct restriction on Apple Store purchases on the infant’s device, which would be very helpful. For this reason, the option to “request purchase” can be edited, where the purchase that he is going to make without permission can be approved, supervised and, if necessary, denied.

Another possibility is that the child only uses the adult’s device, for this the Apple Store can be programmed, causing her to require a password, at the time of making each purchase.

How can I activate the questions before making a purchase from the Apple Store

Another possibility measured to avoid purchases is security questions . If you are the head of the family, you can enable the option of questions to prevent the request for purchases in the App Store. Through this tool, every time a person tries to buy something online or download an application, the Apple Store requires a security question to verify the user.

This function also works for applications such as the iTunes Store and the Apple Books book application. To activate it, you must go to the Apple menu and look for the system preferences. Subsequently, you must click on the En Familia button that will take you to a window where you must choose to ask before buying. To finish you must choose the age that restricts the purchase.

How to request a password before making a purchase

Another method of blocking and preventing the request for purchases in the Apple Store is by means of passwords. This option allows you to have a pin or passwords in digits to block applications and functions on devices made by Apple. This way, you avoid any surprises of a download or purchase that you do not approve.

On your mac

To avoid unwanted purchases by your children on their cell phones, you can block purchases through your Mac. For this, on the desktop of your computer you must go to settings and look for the Family section. This is where you can give access or not to all the devices that are connected in your house.

You must look for the restrictions section to be able to disable the purchase options on other devices. In the purchases part, you must click on not allow and below you will find the option to request a password.

On your iphone

On your phone, to activate the passwords in these applications, you must go to the settings. After this go to where the screen time option is . Then touch on content and privacy restrictions where it may ask you for a code if you have previously registered one.

Then, you have to go to iTunes and App Store Purchases and select the option you want to deny. In this case, you must register to not allow purchases within the App. And at the bottom, in requesting a password, you must click on Always request to disable purchases not approved by you.

On iPad

You can also prevent requests for purchases from the Apple Store on your iPad tablet. For this, you must follow the same process as if you were doing it on your iPhone phone. In settings, Purchases, request password and save the changes.

Can I cancel an unwanted purchase from the Apple Store?

If the above methods have failed to prevent the request for purchases from the Apple Store, you can still cancel the purchase. Well, as the head of the family you can make these purchases not proceed.
You just have to go to the purchase made and click on the details button . In this part you will see the operation that has been carried out and there you can approve or cancel the purchase that has been made according to your preference.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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