How to Pray for a Person?

Praying for someone else should not be taken lightly, especially since it is a spiritual issue and as the Holy Scriptures tell us, we must raise Holy hands before God.

Today we want to present you a small guide on what God wants from a person who prays for his neighbor, as well as some tips that could help your prayer to be effective. If you had wondered how to pray for a sick person? Then we will try to guide you.

Tips before praying for someone else

  1. Being solvent before God : Since we have these promises, dear brothers, let us purify ourselves of everything that contaminates the body and the spirit, to complete in the fear of God the work of our sanctification. 2 Corinthians 7: 1
  2. Pray with faith : how to pray with faith? That is why I say to you: Believe that you have already received everything that you are asking for in prayer, and you will obtain it. Mark 11:24.
  3. May the other person also pray with Faith so that his prayer is heard by God: The Lord is close to those who invoke him, to those who invoke him in truth. Psalm 145: 18.
  4. To persist in prayer , sometimes a need requires constant prayer: Always be joyful, pray without ceasing, give thanks to God in every situation, because this is his will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Prayer to ask for a person

«Dear God, in the name of Jesus, today we come before your presence to ask for the life of (___name__) who is currently affected by health. 

We know that the purposes are yours and that in your kingdom everything works for the good. Dear father, today we pray with Faith believing that you will heal (___name___) at your time and will. 

We do not know what tomorrow holds for us, but we do know that when we surrender all sickness to your beloved son, they all go away because he came to this world to heal us.

Keep giving strength and peace to the life of (___name___), who clings to you in moments of pain and anguish, who has the courage to fight in moments of tribulation like these. We ask this in the name of your beloved son. Amen .

Prayer to intercede for another person

«Good God, before presenting any need to you, before any request, there is our gratitude for your goodness and your mercy towards us. Thanks!

Dear father, today I join in prayer with (__name__) your son, you know his wishes and needs, you search the heart and understand what is best for us.

Today we intercede so that your will is carried out in the life of (__name__) through this process he can understand that you have created his life under a special purpose. 

We rest in your will believing that you have your life in your hands. Amen .

Prayer for a person to change their way of being

Praying for a person you love means that you want to see their good even though that person does not think so. Intercessory prayer for a person should be done with Faith, unceasingly and fervently.

«Dear God, we pray for the life of (__name__), we know that you love him because he is your child, and for that love we are sure that you will always want all his acts, feelings and emotions to be good. 

Father we believe that through your Holy Spirit you will continue to work on his character, perhaps now his emotions and impulses cause him problems, but we know that when we submit to your presence all carnal outbursts are appeased. 

We believe that the work that you started in (__name___) will be perfected and that this process will lead him to acquire meekness, goodness, love, temperance and all the fruits that are the result of communion with you. In the name of Jesus Christ, your beloved son, we believe so, amen. 

Prayer to help a person

«Father, we come before your presence grateful and humbled, we give glory to your names because you sustain us day by day. 

Today we come and put in front of you the life of (___name___) who today has specific requests that he wants to solve. We know that we do not have the authority to impose something on you, but if we have the Faith to believe that in the midst of this process that is going on you will take it to a new level of love and peace. 

We are sure that (__name__) will come out of this process in victory, but we pray that despite any problem or struggle, he never leaves you, that he needs you, yearns for you more than ever, we believe in the name of Jesus, beloved . Amen”.

Prayer for the man I love

«My good day, I come and I appear before you grateful for what you have given me and what you will give me. Your benefits are infinite and to this day I have seen your hand in all areas of my life. 

However, today I have a special request, today I present before you (__name__) a person who has found favor with me, I am attracted both physically and emotionally to him. 

However, I do not want everything I feel for that person to continue to grow without first not having confirmation that it is the best thing for my life. You know my heart and you know my desires and motivations, because today I am giving them to you. 

If this relationship is good for my life and you approve, I ask you to let me know, that this request comes full of peace and security to continue taking more steps alongside him. 

I pray that whoever is by my side is a person who loves you above anyone and for any need, because then I will know that they have understood the principles of your kingdom. Thank you for listening to me and I leave this request in your hands. Amen”. 

How to pray for the person I like

«Dear God, yours are the purposes and worthy your plans for each one of us. I thank you for all that you have given me, but today, beloved father, I come with a very specific request. 

You know my heart and you know that there is a person who not only attracts me, but has also started to like me a lot. I want to take care of my feelings and those of that person as well. 

For that reason, I want to ask for your guidance, to know if he is a suitable person to be able to go one step further. If so, put peace in my heart and encouragement in my intentions to get closer and show my intentions correctly. 

I do not want to play with anyone’s heart and much less do it with me, you take care of me, and I trust that if it is your will, this desire will become something more concrete, I trust you and the signals that you will give me to know if this relationship could come true. Thank you, dear father, Amen! “

How to pray for the conversion of a person?

Accepting Jesus Christ in our life is a fundamental and important moment. So the steps and prayer for the person you are accepting should not be taken lightly.

Here is an article that we have specially prepared so that you can evangelize, pray and reflect with an unconverted person so that they can accept Christ in their heart. In here to see the How to pray for a sick person that we recommend.

Final advice

Prayer to bless a person only requires one thing: Faith, without this special ingredient it is impossible to reach and please God. Remember, prayer for a person to change their way of being is sometimes a process, do not be discouraged, God will work.

We hope that these prayers can be a blessing for your life, if you want us to pray with you, write us in a comment and together we will pray to God for your life. God bless you.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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