How to plan studies

Do you know how to put together a study plan? Having a schedule with the assignments and tests you need to do, specifying a day to learn each discipline and also for revisions saves a lot of time. In addition, of course, to increase your productivity and avoid the accumulation of content.

Because of the benefits it has, the study plan is an essential item in the academic routine. And today, we’re going to teach you how to create your own planning.

Want to learn? Come with us!

  1. List your routine 

Write down on a paper all the daily activities you do. This includes going to school or college, having lunch, sleeping, doing some sports, taking public transport, etc. From there, you’ll be able to see how much time you have available to study at home and be able to create more effective planning.

At this stage, it is also important to note the test periods and delivery dates.

  1. Set times to study

Now that you know your own routine, set times to start and end your study times. Thus, it is easier to follow a schedule and not self-sabotage your learning, dedicating yourself more on one day and less on the next, for example.

Within these times it is also important to include pause moments. A standard time is 15 minutes of rest for every hour of study.

  1. Define review periods

Your study plan should include specific moments for review. After all, fixing the content takes place when reviewing the content. Therefore, be sure to include this step in your planning.

A 30-minute daily review is sufficient for a good academic performance. And ideally, you should review the content you studied on the previous date in one day.

  1. Invest in a suitable location

The place where you study has a big impact on your income. So, no studying in bed, in the living room watching TV or in a dark and noisy place.

It is important that the chosen space is quiet, has good lighting and leaves you with a comfortable posture.

  1. Emphasize the subjects that have the most difficulty

Certainly, there are subjects that you love to study and others that look like a “seven-headed bug”. For the latter, it is important to allow more time for dedication within the study plan.

Thus, when defining your schedules, organize them so that the disciplines are evenly distributed. That is, giving different times for each discipline, in order to achieve an egalitarian study in terms of performance.

  1. Create moments to resolve issues

Asking questions is ideal for you to test your knowledge after studying a new subject. Thus, it is not enough to just read, it is necessary to put the content into practice.

Therefore, for each subject studied, fit a period just to resolve issues.

If you are unable to resolve any of the questions, write down your question to review it at the time dedicated to reviewing the course.

  1. Fit leisure moments into your schedule

Studying is more than necessary, but leisure also has its importance, otherwise your brain starts to get tired and you lose the motivation to learn. So, fit into your schedule moments that are just for fun.

Following the tips we present, it is much easier to make a good planning of the studies. So, get organized and see how studying can be something much simpler than you think.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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