Hey friends, in this video tutorial I will show you how you can delete a steam game forever or permanently from your account.If you have been looking for a way to delete that game that you do not want in your library, I invite you to continue reading or also:

Is deleting the same as uninstalling a game?

First of all, we must clarify that permanently removing a game from your library is not the same as uninstalling it.

When you uninstall a game it stays in your library and gives you the chance to reinstall it again.

On the contrary, when you delete a game from the library it will disappear and to be able to install it again, you will have to buy it or add it from the store if it is free to play.

If after explaining this what you want is to uninstall the game, I invite you to watch my video tutorial dedicated to this by entering the following link: How to uninstall a steam game and not die trying – Tutorial

Having everything clear, we proceed with the tutorial.

How can I permanently remove a game from Steam?

To remove the game from your library you will have to follow the following steps:

  1. Log in to your steam account from the app.
  2. In the menu look for library and click.
  3. Now look for the game you want to delete in the list on your left and select it with one click.
  4. On your right choose the store page option that in the new Steam interface you will see that it is under the start / install button (depending if the game is installed or not).
  5. While on the store page select the name of the game as it appears, right click and choose copy.
  6. Now click on the help menu at the top of steam (at the very top) and click on Steam Support.
  7. If it is a game that you have played recently, it is very likely that it will appear in a list, if so, click on it. If it does not appear in the list, scroll down and look for the option and in the search engine right click and choose paste (to paste the name of the game that we copied a while ago) and press the enter / intro key on your keyboard.
  8. Find the game in the search result and click.
  9. In the list of options that will appear, choose “I want to permanently delete this game from my account”
  10. Another page will appear for you to confirm that you are sure to delete the game. Then scroll down a bit and choose the option Ok, remove the listed games from my account permanently. Done, another window will appear confirming that your game has been deleted.
  11. If for things in life you regret deleting the game, choose the option No, I’ve changed my mind or I want to request a refund, or simply go back.+

And that’s it, with these simple steps you can permanently remove from your steam library that game that you no longer want to have occupying an important place in your games list.

I hope that the tutorial has helped you and if by chance you could not follow the instructions, here is the video tutorial that will surely help you understand everything much better.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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