How To Make Old Video Effect In Sony Vegas

The old video effect is a possibility in the different editing platforms, if it is a video with a new format, and the latest technology resolution, you can apply the old video effect and make it look like a recorded video many decades ago.

If you are excited about the idea of ​​learning how to use this vintage or old video effect, with Sony Vegas you can do it very easily and quickly. You just have to pay attention to this tutorial, and you will see that transferring a visual scene to an environment from 50 years ago is an easy process.

Index( )

  1. What other simple video editing effects can be applied with Sony Vegas?
  2. What other specialties does Sony Vegas have, besides editing videos with these effects?
  3. How to get the old video effect with Sony Vegas
  4. Edit your files with the old Sony Vegas video effect

What other simple video editing effects can be applied with Sony Vegas?

In addition to achieving the effect of old or old video in Sony Vegas , this software allows the possibility of editing videos in other aspects, so easily that you may be surprised.

An example of video editing with Sony Vegas’ own effects is to modify the time that the recording comprises , being able to set slow or fast motion with just one effect from this program.

In fact, Sony Vegas stands out for non-linear editing in video formats, which is why it is incredibly versatile.

Another example of editing is pixelating or censoring a part of a video with Sony Vegas , doing a great job at it, without any complications . This effect can be mixed with the old or old video effect for a more realistic view of an old video.

And so many more examples in terms of video editing, in fact, Sony Vegas has a default list of very good effects , and others can also be added through downloads; this is actually phenomenal.

What other specialties does Sony Vegas have, besides editing videos with these effects?

Video editing does not stop here, Sony Vegas has several functionalities that make this program an option repeatedly considered by professionals; It is used for example for short film editors often , and in terms of video, as has been said, it has many tools.

One of them is the modification of the time of a video and its visual content, to give an example of this, we can freeze the image or a frame in Sony Vegas , as long as we want.

The incredible variety of things and tools that can be edited with in Sony Vegas becomes remarkable when entering and using this software.

Sony Vegas by definition is considered a video editing program specializing in audio media , managing to be one of the best in this regard.

When it comes to editing a video, the audio tools are extraordinary. To exemplify this, the amazing way of putting a squirrel voice in an audio of a video with Sony Vegas is enough . Many professionals choose Sony Vegas blindly for editing.

How to get the old video effect with Sony Vegas

In the first place we will activate the video effects window , in case of not having it activated. We will activate it in the menu, clicking on ‘View’, and then on ‘video effects’.

After this, we will search the video effects list for a package named ‘Film effects’; In this list we will find many options, but we are only going to choose the one called ‘Very old film’.

To apply it to the video, we just have to click on that effect, and drag it to the video strip , to the timeline. After this a window will open in which we can customize different parameters.

You will be able to play with the nuances, as well as with the different options of said parameters; however, the default parameter settings always end up giving the old or old video effect that we want.

Then we will close this window, we will click on play preview to corroborate or check the result, and finally we will save the changes.

The use of the tools used in this effect does not have any complexity, anyone can do it, so Sony Vegas is recommended in this case, as for many others, where this program can apply effects efficiently and effectively.

Edit your files with the old Sony Vegas video effect

For this, it is necessary to insert the image we want to edit in Sony Vegas . Then you go to the effect option and select the one called black and white. And you look for the option that says 50% black and white. Then the effect will become noticeable, however if it is not to your liking you can increase or decrease it in the value bar located on the left side of the screen. You can modify it to your degree, depending on your requirements.

In the same way, you are going to select the edge option and among all the available options you are only going to press the one that says soft edge. Here you can also increase or decrease this effect and in turn its size. Finally you need to apply the movie effect that is available in the effects folder. You apply it to the video and in the configuration panel you will modify where it says grain to 0, tint to 0 and amount to 15000 the more you increase it, the more lines will appear in your file. In the same way you can also make the file remain with this effect but without appearing in black and white. To do this, you just have to deactivate the box that says convert to grayscale and proceed to press accept. Finally you just proceed to save the file and voila.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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