How to make “My Twitter Family”, is it reliable?

It is possible that we have seen the genealogical tree of “My Twitter Family” to some of our contacts, so now we will explain how to make these images and if the application that generates them is reliable.

These charts show our so-called “parents,” “children,” and “spouse” on Twitter , based on the people we interact with the most. They have gone viral quickly, as they include mentions to the profiles and a link so that they can also make and share their Twitter family.

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These are the images of “My Twitter Family” that are being seen on the social network:

Post “My Twitter Family”, step by step

Making the genealogical tree with our virtual family is simple, yes, we cannot choose the members, it is the algorithm itself that selects them. This is how we can do it:

  • We have to enter the “My Twitter Family” website , it is a free service that works on mobile phones and computers:

Web: Twitter Family Tree

  • Next, we press the “Login with Twitter” button to create your Twitter Family Tree, leaving the option to publish directly checked, which is the most convenient:
  • Twitter will ask us to log in with the username and password (the password is not shared in the app). Then we will click on “Authorize the application” so that Roun ‘Year Fun! # 865d (that’s the full name) can access our account:
  • When we look at the list, the high number of permissions does not seem necessary or reliable , and then we will see how to cancel them:
  • The genealogical tree is shown below, we can take a screenshot or click on it and choose the “Save image” option from the browser. At the same time a tweet will appear with the genealogical tree and mentions of the accounts:

Remove app permissions

“My Twitter Family” asks for almost total access to our account , so it is a good idea to revoke it, to avoid that in the future it could make a fraudulent use. These are the necessary steps:

  • We will enter the Twitter configuration , through the following route:

Settings and privacy -> Security and account access -> Applications and sessions -> Connected applications

  • We will be looking for Roun ‘Year Fun! # 865d and we will choose the option “Revoke access” :

In this way, “My Twitter Family” will not be able to continue publishing on our behalf , or carry out the rest of the actions that you have requested, which are very invasive of our privacy.

In general, it can be fun to make the viral “My Twitter Family” following these steps, but our advice is to remove the permissions that we grant after publishing the tweet, because the service that generates it does not seem excessively reliable.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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