How to make a successful TikTok, Reels

Short videos have long been part of the video marketing strategy, with over 1 billion TikTok videos viewed every day in 150+ countries. Content on Instagram* Reels, TikTok and YouTube Shorts has every chance of becoming mega-popular – but what does it take besides luck?

General Approach

  • The most popular Rails are notable for their unusual editing and visual techniques. At the same time, it is not necessary to shoot with expensive equipment – everything can be done with a standard set. Example 1 , example 2 .
  • In this format, you don’t need to think through a complex scenario and do a long lead-in to a product demonstration. You can declare products right from the first seconds – the main thing is to do it natively. Example 1 , example 2 .
  • Of course, if you want to impress the viewer and penetrate his heart, then you can complicate the production. Example 1 , example 2 .

10 Viral Video Strategies

Usually educational, inspiring and associative videos gain millions of views. Inspiring – encourage action, associative – meet the interests of the audience. We’ve rounded up the best practices to help you make your first viral video.

  1. Use social listening. Make more content on positive comments, identify pain points on negative ones.
  2. Define the target audience. Find something that will draw viewers to the screen. Use this knowledge to create viral videos.
  3. Describe the creative strategy, make a shooting plan. Specify the goal, budget, deadlines and other features of the project.
  4. Give maximum value in a short time. So that the video stands out from the crowd and instantly attracts attention.
  5. Make the audience feel emotions. They will certainly want to share joy, laughter, happiness and other feelings.
  6. Use large-scale and niche trends. Watch popular videos, follow the best authors, add relevant hashtags.
  7. Interact with the audience. Reply to comments, ask questions to subscribers.
  8. Titles matter! Make sure viewers can watch the video without sound. Add captions and subtitles.
  9. Use strong text. Create a short catchy description, hook the viewer with the first phrase.
  10. Post content at the optimal time – half an hour before the peak of audience activity. Don’t forget to promote the video.

TikTok, Reels and Shorts – Exploring the Differences

TikTok was the first to publish short videos. Followed by Instagram* Reels, the last in the big three was YouTube Shorts. Let’s discuss the features of these platforms, define the differences.

Roller length

TikTok. The limit has increased from 60 seconds to 10 minutes. The platform is clearly looking to catch up with YouTube.

Reels. Length increased from 15 to 60 seconds.

shorts. Uploading videos – up to 60 seconds, recording through the service – up to 15 seconds.

Trade links

Do the platforms support links to make purchases via video? Instagram* Reels and TikTok, yes. YouTube Shorts is testing this feature and will be adding it soon.

Editing Tools

Reels and TikTok offer a variety of special effects to enhance content, from filters to augmented reality. You can add stickers and xttags to the video. YouTube Shorts does not yet have such features.

User friendliness

All three platforms are easy to use and their interface is intuitive.

Choose a service

So, you’ve made a cool short video, but where is the best place to put it? Adapt video for all platforms!

It is not known which service will lead in a few years.

Your video may go viral on one platform but fail on others. Your viewers may prefer a particular service.

Your content strategy may not be suitable for all platforms.

You have room for experimentation. What suits your business best, what do viewers like best? Evaluate placement results and make informed decisions.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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