How to Live on PS4

Are you looking for a guide that explains how to do it live on PS4 ? Very well, we are here! In this article we are going to show you the whole procedure to succeed in your aim. These are not long or complex operations: in a few simple steps you will have achieved the goal you had set yourself. Take five minutes of free time and take a look at our guide: we are sure that, after reading, you will have a clearer picture of what you need to do. But call to delay: let’s go!

How to do it live on PS4

Have you recently been able to admire one of your favorite streamers doing a live directly from his PS4 and would you like to do the same with the console you own? Very well, you are in the right place! Still not sure how to configure a direct on the Japanese device? Don’t worry: we are here to help you and explain how to do it live on PS4 . As a result, you will be able to use your PlayStation 4 to stream your favorite content on Twitch or YouTube.

And all this without having to spend money on external equipment: in fact, the Sony console already includes everything you need to make a live broadcast and broadcast it on YouTube or Twitch (the two main channels of diffusion). Let’s not go further: make yourself comfortable and carefully follow the instructions in the next paragraphs. Enjoy the reading!

How to do live on YouTube from PS4

We start from YouTube because the Italian market particularly prefers this platform with regard to the direct streamers. If you are wondering how to do it live on PS4 , the first answer I can give you is first of all to register an account on the Google social network. Once this is done, start the game you want to broadcast and press the “Share” button on the controller and select the “Broadcast game” item that appears on the display.

At this point, press the X button on the controller above the “OK” item and select the YouTube icon. Now select the “Log in” item, enter the email address, press the R2 button on the controller and select the “Next” item. Almost there: now type in your Google account password, press the R2 button on the pad and select the “Login” item.

Press the X button of the controller on the “Allow” item and select the channel with which you intend to perform the live broadcast, then press always on the X of the controller at the “OK” item and select the YouTube icon. In some cases, the latter may take up to 24 hours to enable live streaming on your account. By pressing on the YouTube icon, you will be able to access the live management screen: here you will activate the webcam and microphone, set the video title, its description and tag.

Once you are definitely ready (there are a whole series of further options, just go to the “Options” item), select the ” Start transmission ” item. In this way you will start the live broadcast.

How to do live on Twitch from PS4

The second channel that we recommend for the transmission of your live broadcasts is Twitch: it is one of the most popular platforms for streaming video games, owned by Amazon. Many influential and successful characters started their careers right here, so – if you are a beginner – we highly recommend this portal.

Once registered on Twitch directly from the official website of the platform , you just have to start the game you want to broadcast and press the “Share” button on the controller. Once this is done, select the item ” Broadcast game ” and press the “X” button on the controller to “OK”. Now select the Twitch icon and press the pad’s X key on the “Log in” item, then scan the QR Code that appears on the screen, enter the username and password and then press “Login”.

We are almost at the end: type the code that is provided to you by the PS4 and press the purple “Activate” button. Here we go: you have associated your console with the Twitch profile! You just have to press the X button of the controller on the OK item and select the Twitch icon: you will see all the settings related to the live on the display. From here you can choose whether to activate the webcam, the microphone sound and whether or not to view the messages / comments of the spectators. After that, to start the live press the X button on the controller on the item “Start the transmission”.

How to do it live on PS4: conclusions

Now you should have a complete and comprehensive overview of how to do it live on PS4 . We just have to wish you a lot of fun and above all make a huge good luck for your streamer activities, see you next time!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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