How to link to a specific part of a page in Chrome

It’s hard to imagine a more user-friendly browser than Chrome. For all its gluttony and rather negligent attitude to user data, it is mega-convenient. In any case, I have never met such an abundance of functions for all occasions anywhere else. Of course, there is Opera, Firefox and, God forgive me, Yandex Browser, but neither one nor the other, nor the third provide even half of the capabilities that Chrome has. Moreover, we are now talking not only about the desktop version of the browser, but also about the mobile version, which is almost in no way inferior to it. See for yourself.

In Chrome, you can link to a piece of text

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The link system in browsers is imperfect. By default, it does not allow you to select a piece of text and send it to your interlocutor. As a result, you have to explain yourself where to find the information you need. Of course, this is terribly inconvenient. Firstly, because it forces you both to waste extra time, and, secondly, because it does not eliminate the possibility of error. After all, if the recipient of the link stumbles upon the same combination of words, but from a different paragraph, all your efforts to convey this or that information to him will go down the drain. But Chrome fixes this problem.

Link to a piece of text on Android

If you need to send a link to a specific piece of text, Google Chrome will help you. It doesn’t matter if you are using a mobile or desktop browser. I’ll show you how it works, both here and there.

  • Launch Chrome on your Android smartphone;
  • In the address bar, enter chrome: // flags;

Enable the desired flag in the experimental Chrome menu

  • Find the Chrome Share text highlights on Android option;
  • In the drop-down window opposite, select Enabled and restart the browser with the Relaunch button;
  • Open a web page with the text you want to link to;

You can select any piece of text and send it as a link

  • Select the required piece of text and click “Share”;
  • In the proposed menu, select “Link to text” and send it to its destination.

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The link the recipient will follow will send it to the fragment selected by the sender. For clarity, it will be highlighted in yellow. This will allow you to instantly determine where the referenced text begins and ends.

Link to a specific piece of text in Chrome

However, not only in the mobile version is it possible to share a link to a piece of text. Here’s how this mechanism works in desktop Chrome:

  • Follow this link and download the Link to Text Fragment extension;
  • Open the page, the link to the fragment of which you want to send;

In the desktop version of Chrome, a link to a text fragment can only be made using an extension

  • Select the required piece of text on an open web page;

In this, the recipient will see a piece of text under the link

  • Right-click and select Copy link to select text;
  • Send a link to a piece of text to the selected recipient.

Unfortunately, in desktop version of Chrome, there is no option to send a link to a text snippet by default. It’s not even on the flags menu. Therefore, those who definitely need such an opportunity will have to be content with the functionality of a third-party extension. Of course, from a practical point of view, it is no worse than a standard function, if you do not take into account that theoretically it still loads the browser and consumes computer resources.

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The extension works in much the same way as the standard function for sending links. The fragment that you select and send to your interlocutor will also be highlighted in yellow, as if a marker were drawn over it. The link can be sent in any convenient way, but you need to be prepared for the fact that in either case, it will turn out to be quite long. In principle, I could recommend shortening it with the help of special services, but I’m afraid that this can provoke a failure, and then the whole result will go down the drain.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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