How to install Windows 11 on VirtualBox

Ideal trick to install Windows 11 in VirtualBox, skipping the “does not meet the requirements” error.

VirtualBox is an application that allows you to create virtual machines in which to run complete operating systems. The most recent released by Microsoft, Windows 11, does not allow it to be used in a virtual machine officially. However, there is a way to install Windows 11 on VirtualBox .

If you have already tried creating a virtual machine and installing Windows 11 in VirtualBox , you may have noticed that an error appears during the process. Specifically, it mentions the following: “This computer does not meet the minimum system requirements to install this version of Windows.” And that’s it. That’s where the installation ends. Or not?

Index of contents

  • How to install Windows 11 in VirtualBox bypassing the “Does not meet the requirements” error
    • Setting up the virtual machine in VirtualBox
    • Install Windows 11 in VirtualBox step by step
  • After installing Windows 11 in VirtualBox, finish setup
  • How to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions

How to install Windows 11 in VirtualBox bypassing the “Does not meet the requirements” error

The first step to install Windows 11 in VirtualBox is to download this tool on your computer, if you haven’t already. You can do this by visiting its official page and using the download link corresponding to your operating system. Once you have VirtualBox, launch it and click on the New button  that you will see at the top of the screen.

Setting up the virtual machine in VirtualBox

Using the virtual machine creation wizard, first choose the machine name, version and type. We must clarify that we have used the name “Windows 2” because we already had another virtual machine with Windows 11. But you can choose the name that suits you best. Copy the rest of the settings from the following image:

Provide at least 4GB of RAM . However, you can add more memory to your virtual machine, if your computer allows it.

Now is the time to create a virtual hard drive. Choose the option  Create a virtual hard disk now and press the Create button .

Check the VDI option and continue with Next.

Allot a space of at least 50 GB for your virtual machine. Again, if you can give it more, go ahead.

With your virtual machine created, now insert the Windows 11 CD. Of course, in this case you will use the ISO that you must obtain from the official Microsoft website . Click on  Optical drive and in the context menu click on  Select a disk file .

Browse using the file explorer until you find the Windows 11 ISO.

Next, click on the Settings button  , located at the top of options, next to New  and Discard .

Open the System section  , click on the Processor tab and assign two CPUs to the virtual machine. Also, check the boxes that you will see next to Extended Features .

Install Windows 11 in VirtualBox step by step

Start the virtual machine and wait for the Windows 11 installer to load. Select the language, time format, and keyboard layout. Then click  Next .

Use the Install Now button  to continue.

Click on  I don’t have a product key to skip the Windows 11 activation step.

Choose the edition of Windows that you want to install on your virtual machine.

Finally, the error that we mentioned at the beginning of this article will appear on the screen. Fortunately, all is not lost.

Use the combination Shift + F10 to open the system console. There type regedit and hit Enter.

The registry editor will appear on the screen . Navigate with the side browser to the following route:

  • Computer \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Setup

Right click on the Setup key , open the New menu  and click on  Key . Name  the new key LabConfig . Make sure it is nested within  Setup .

Open  LabConfig , the new key you have created, and right-click on an empty space to see the context menu. Select the DWORD Value (32-bit) option .

Create four 32-bit DWORD values ​​named as follows:

  • BypassTPMCheck
  • BypassCPUCheck
  • BypassRAMCheck
  • BypassSecureBootCheck

Then, access each of them and set the Value data field to 1. Use the following screenshot as a guide to check that you are carrying out the entire process correctly.

Close the registry and the system console. Then, click on the cross in the installation window. In the pop-up dialog select  Ok to confirm that you want to exit the installation.

Again, you will find yourself at the beginning. Use the Install Now button  and repeat the steps already mentioned.

Unlike what has happened before, instead of the error you will jump to the window that shows the Windows 11 contract, which must be accepted.

Use the Custom option  : install Windows only (advanced) to continue.

Create a new partition and select it to install Windows 11 on it.

Finally, the installation process will start.

Wait for the wizard to finish and the virtual machine to restart. The duration of the installation will depend largely on the power of your computer. However, being a virtual machine, Windows 11 will likely terminate before copying all the files necessary to function.

After installing Windows 11 in VirtualBox, finish setup

After taking the steps mentioned in the previous section, Windows 11 will already be installed in your virtual machine. All you have to do is finish configuring the system by indicating the language, keyboard layout and adding your Microsoft account.

Once you finish, you will have a fully functional copy of Windows 11 thanks to VirtualBox. Remember that the process that we have described throughout this guide is compatible with all operating systems. That is, you can have a virtual machine with Windows 11 by following the steps mentioned in Linux, Windows 10, Windows 11 itself and macOS (as long as it is not on a Mac with an M1 processor).

How to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions

VirtualBox Guest Additions is the package of tools provided by VirtualBox to improve the compatibility of the virtual machine with Windows 11. For example, thanks to them, the network drivers or the virtual graphics card are installed. The latter are very important because they allow you to adapt the resolution of the virtualized system to the size of the VirtualBox window. Plus, you’ll gain some features like clipboard integration and support for USB-connected drives. To install them in Windows 11, do the following:

  1. Open the Devicesmenu  .
  2. Click on  Insert the Guest Additions CD.
  3. Open the file explorer on your virtual machine and explore the CD drive.
  4. Click on the executable to install the drivers.

When the process is complete, the virtualized copy of Windows 11 will be more compatible with VirtualBox. Although this last step is optional, it is highly recommended due to the large number of functions it adds.

And you, do you think it is practical to have a virtual machine with Windows 11? Are you going to use this trick to test Microsoft’s new operating system or do you prefer to install it on your disk? Leave us a comment to know your opinion .

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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