How To Install Minecraft on Linux ( Step By Step).

How To Install Minecraft on Linux.Minecraft for PC is the best-selling video game of all time. That alone should be enough to convince you. But let’s see a little more information about why you should start enjoying this game right now. It is a ‘sandbox’ type game in which players must mine, build and manufacture their own ideal world.It is a multiplatform video game (it has versions for Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iOS and of course, also for our platform) so we are going to see how to install Minecraft on Linux, a procedure that is not complicated but requires a few steps that we are going to detail below.

How To Install Minecraft on Linux

How To Install Minecraft on Linux ( Step By Step).

We are facing a game based on Java, or rather an application that is based on the framework developed by Sun in the ’90s, today owned by Oracle. So the first step to be able to use it will be to install it on our computers, and for this we can use the original alternative, that is, JDK-JRE, or  Java OpenJDK , already mature enough today to be used in all kind of projects.

This project is available to install from the repository in most GNU / Linux distros, and in some cases like Ubuntu we can follow  these instructions  that we detailed in our blog at the time. In any case, once the Java or OpenJDK runtime is installed, we will have already taken the first step to play Minecraft on Linux .

The second step will be to download the game from its official website, to save it in the / opt folder of our team:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/minecraft/bin
sudo wget -O /opt/minecraft/bin/Minecraft.jar
sudo chown -R <nombredeusuario>:nombredeusuario> /opt/minecraft/
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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