How to include a GIF or HTML video in an email

Communication has changed exponentially as new tools and ways are developed for it, as well as functions that allow optimizing the immediacy with which your messages can reach the other person, no matter where in the world they are. And best of all, while still including a GIF or HTML video in an email.

Emails, beyond being slightly displaced by other communication applications or programs on computers and smartphones, continues to be an alternative widely used by people and companies to share information .

Different types of languages

One of the most striking options of the different email platforms is their ability to adapt to an interesting variety of languages . And by language, it refers to computer languages, including HTML.

The use of HTML

The HTML language is one that allows to establish the structuring of the text body , giving rise to its different sections such as the heading, paragraphs, links and other elements that compose it.

It is mainly used to structure web platforms, however, some email services have implemented the ability to create and send emails in this type of format.

Why is it used in emails?

Despite being a bit more complex than writing and structuring an email in a traditional way, structuring an email using HTML, beyond being the content and source code of a web page , can help you to optimize the order of the content of your message .

In this way, your message will have an appearance similar to that of a document or a web page without the need to insert different types of elements in a traditional way.

Insert GIFs and videos into your message

If there is something that can set a trend in a message, it is graphic or audiovisual elements , to make your email something much more dynamic, curious, entertaining and fun.

It is an alternative widely used, mainly, by companies when it comes to disseminating communications or any other type of information that they want to share either with their employees or clients.

How to include them in HTML?

Generally, images and videos are inserted into your email separately from the body text, although there are tools that allow you to meet this objective.

However, to give a better touch and location to the message you want to send, nothing better than using HTML for it. Although many people think that it may be too complex, the reality is that it is not. It is even capable of allowing you to add an HTML object to a PowerPoint presentation .

You will only need to locate a couple of options and relate a little to the tags or codes of the HTML language that allow you to include these elements in your message. If you don’t know how to do it, don’t worry! This article will show you the way to go.

Include GIFs and Videos: Step by Step

The HTML format is a system for sending messages that, although it is present in many email services, can make it difficult for you to structure a message if you use some services such as Gmail , which does not make the tools available necessary for these cases.

However, other platforms, just as famous, such as Outlook , do have the tools that will allow you to send an email in HTML and therefore insert GIFs and videos through this incredible system .

  • Once you enter your data into Outlook, create a new message.
  • Click on the tab that corresponds to ” Text Format “.
  • On the left of your screen, the different options that Outlook makes available to you in this type of case will appear, among which you will appreciate that they are:
    • HTML.
    • Plain text.
    • Rich text.
  • Select the HTML option.

Select and send

Once you have changed the format of the message, it only remains to use the Outlook options to insert the GIF or video from your computer and it will be ready to send. Of course, if there is nothing else you want to add. Hurrah! Now you know how to include a GIF or HTML video in an email.

All ready!

HTML can be confusing, especially for those looking to structure a web page. However, email services like Outlook provide tools that make your work easier , turning it into a message like any other.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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