How to fix the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error in Windows 10

When something is wrong with the Windows 10 system , errors often occur when you want to use the system. One of them is the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error when turning on the computer and starting the Windows operating system.

Many people may be concerned about this error, since it appears just when you want to start the system or run. They may think that the equipment was damaged, but it is not, it has a solution and it is quite easy to fix it.

Pay attention to the steps that we will give you to fix the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error that appears in Windows 10.

Fix the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error that appears when starting Windows 10

Be vigilant when this error appears, as it is a sign of driver compatibility issues . Therefore, it usually appears after installing hardware, software or installation on the system and there is an error.

It’s basically a way for the system to signal that it can’t run because the installed drivers are failing . And this makes the system unable to work well due to new or added compatibility bug.

Even though the person is not allowed to enter the system for this, there is a way to fix it. The first thing is to turn on the equipment again and from the moment it turns on, repeatedly press a specific key.

It can be ESC, F8, F12 or F11 , since some of them have to run in safe mode. The same will be enabled with networking, as it is required to download any file, if completely necessary.

When the options open, follow the path of Troubleshoot, Advanced options, and then Startup settings. There you select Activate Safe mode with network functions, and finally Restart, to open the mode.

After it fully restarts, we need to enter the system Device Manager to update everything again. There, all the add-ons will be restarted and the errors that are causing it not to start correctly will be corrected.

At the end of this step, the native repair tool starts, pressing the Windows key with X on the keyboard. We can open Windows Power Shell or Command Prompt, there write sfc / scannow, press Enter, write DISM.exe / Online / Cleanup-image / Scanhealth.

By pressing Enter, we wait for the process to finish and then we put DISM.exe / Online / Cleanup-image / Restorehealth , and press Enter to execute it.

Other common errors in Windows 10 and their possible causes

The errors upgrade Windows 10 they are very common, which happens to many people who use it . You should not worry, because if it happens to you, it does not directly mean that the problem you highlight is your team.

Another very common Windows 10 problem is the reporting of operating system errors , a staple. This service is essential and useful to detect problems that exist within the system automatically and intelligently.

Normally it is not that the item causes any errors, but many people prefer to disable this tool from the system. It is not highly recommended, but it is possible to do this without much difficulty or obstacle, whatever the interest.

It is also possible to view the history of the errors that the Windows 10 system has issued and their characteristics. This serves as a kind of tracking of the most frequent problems of the system and what actions to take in the future.

It is common for programmers or system administrators to be interested in this tool and its information. This is because they can monitor the behavior of the computer and try to find other solutions for errors.

Windows 10 is currently the best operating system that the Microsoft company has designed in history. Many personalities related to the digital world use it, which indicates that it works well despite the errors.

In our page, See how it is done, you can consult other articles related to the common failures of this operating system. We will explain step by step everything you have to do to solve them without it being very difficult to achieve it.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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