How to fix the error

We are going to offer you several solutions to the error , a fairly common error on Android phones, although it does not always have a quick solution, but it is advisable to try to solve it if the error begins to appear too frequently.

This error in Android prevents us from doing various things on our phone, such as navigating through the different menus or doing anything else. There is no clear explanation of why it appears, although fortunately there is a fairly effective and fast solution to be able to tackle the error and solve it once and for all.

If the first one that we show you does not work for you, it is a matter of trying the rest of the solutions to see if with any of them you can make the error disappear forever from your Android mobile and so you can forget about the error forever. gapps.

Force stop download manager

To solve this error in Android so that it no longer appears on your Android phone, we are going to force the stop of an internal Android app called the download manager or download manager. Do the following:

  • Enter the settings of your Android phone and look for the applications menu.
  • At the top choose the “All” tab to see all the applications you have on your smartphone, both those that are running and those that are not.
  • Look for a one called “Download Manager” or “Download Manager.” Go into said application, click on “force stop” and deactivate it. Then enter again and activate it again.

With this you should solve the problem and the error message that warns that has stopped or similar should no longer appear . Work on the phone for a couple of days to see if what you’ve done actually works. If not, keep trying the solutions below.

Clear cache and data

Although the error should no longer appear with the previous method, another quick solution that you should try is to delete the cache and data of the same application that we mentioned before, that of the download manager or administrator downloads.

In this case you have to follow the same steps that we indicated before, but you have to click on the “clear cache” option first and on “clear data” second, so that you can completely clean that app.

Uninstall updates from Google Play Store

The Google Play Store, which also has its own errors , could also be causing others such as the error and a solution is to uninstall the updates of this application to see if this will eliminate the error we are dealing with .

For that, you just have to enter settings / applications and access the Google Play Store, then you have to click on the three dots icon and click on the “uninstall updates” option. Then wait a few days to see if the error is solved.

Restore original app preferences

Another thing that you should not stop trying is the resetting of the preferences of all the applications that you have on your Android phone, so that they recover the original settings and parameters, which is why this common error could be originating.

For that you just have to enter settings / applications / all applications and access the menu, where you should find an option called “reset preferences” or something similar so that the applications return to the original factory state.

The error is one of the most common and probably with all the solutions we have given you you have already been able to remove it so that it does not appear again, although if by chance it reappears in the future you already know what you have what to do to remove it again.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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