How to Transfer Photos from Samsung Cloud to OneDrive

Samsung has partnered with Microsoft so that the photos we take on our phones and Samsung devices are synchronized with the OneDrive cloud, so we will tell you how you can transfer your photos from Samsung Cloud to OneDrive and thus have a cloud copy of all your photos.

Samsung Cloud is going to disappear and it is a reality, the cloud for Samsung devices will cease to be as it was, therefore the alliance between the two giants will bear fruit. Some time ago we told you that Samsung Cloud would eliminate storage options and how to keep your files.

Although the process is very simple, the first thing you have to know is that Microsoft’s cloud, OneDrive gives us 5 GB of storage for free, but we can expand it to a whopping 1 TB, as long as we go through the box.

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Samsung Cloud and OneDrive team up to offer the best of each

The services cloud storage are today something almost indispensable. We handle many photos, files or documents that need to be saved daily, today we will show you how you can transfer photos from Samsung Cloud to OneDrive with a few simple steps:

  • The first thing you should know is that you can synchronize the Samsung Cloud data from the Gallery app or the My Files app. We will do the process from the Samsung Gallery.
  • Abrimos la app Galería.
  • Ahora pulsamos en las 3 barritas que están en la parte inferior.
  • Pulsamos en “Ajustes”.
  • Ahora veremos la primera opción que dice “Sincronizar con OneDrive” y pulsaremos en ella.
  • Seguidamente tendremos que conectar nuestras cuentas, es decir la cuenta de Samsung Cloud con nuestra cuenta de Microsoft, en el caso de que no tengas tendrás que crear una cuenta de Hotmail o Outlook.
  • Ahora aparecerá una ventana en la que podrás crear un plan para obtener más almacenamiento en OneDrive, pues inicialmente tendrás solo 5 GB, pero podrás elegir por 7 euros al mes 1 TB y funciones premium de la suite ofimática o por 2 euros al mes un almacenamiento de 100 GB.

– In the event that you only want to continue with the free plan, you will have to click on the “X” that appears at the top of said window.

Once the accounts are synchronized, we can have all our photos in OneDrive , in addition, we can have all the advantages that this entails and thus have one more copy of all those moments that matter so much to us.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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