How To Fix Hal.Dll Error

In this article I will tell you in what ways you can eliminate the error that may frighten you related to the hal.dll file.

Troubleshooting Guide for Windows XP


  • dll error fixing yourself
  • Fixing Hal.dll Errors in Windows 7, 8 and Vista
  • Troubleshooting Hal.dll error in Windows 7, 8 and Vista

Hal.dll blue screen is missing

The error “hal.dll is missing or corrupted” can appear in several variations, here are the most common ones:

  • Windows cannot start because the following file is missing or corrupted: Windows root \ system32 \ hal.dll. Reinstall a copy of the above file.
  • “Winnt_root” \ System32 \ Hal.dll is missing or damaged: Reinstall a copy of the above file. “
  • “Cannot find \ Windows \ System32 \ hal.dll”
  • “Cannot find hal.dll”

The hal.dll error is displayed shortly after turning on the computer. Windows XP does not have time to boot completely before this message appears.

Causes of Hal.dll

The cause of the “windows root system32 hal dll” error is that the hal.dll file is damaged, deleted or moved from its intended location.

Additional reasons:

Damage to the boot.ini file, or possibly physical damage to the hard drive.

Also, if you see hall dll (with two ll), then a virus may be the cause. In this case, just scan the system with an antivirus program and the problem can be solved.

This problem sometimes occurs with a missing Msvcr110.dll error

How to fix Hal.dll missing error on your own?

  1. Reboot your computer. It is possible that the hal.dll error appeared by accident.

Note: Because hal.dll errors appear before Windows XP fully boots, you will not be able to restart your computer properly. Instead, you will need to do it forcibly. On the system unit, you will see a forced reboot button.


  1. Check the correct boot order in BIOS. The hal.dll error can appear if the boot order in the BIOS is out of order: pay attention to which hard drive is the first.

If you recently changed the boot order or connected external or additional hard drives, this may be the cause of your problem.

  1. Run Windows XP System Restore from the command line. If this solution did not work and you continue to see a blue screen and hal.dll error on it, proceed to the next step.
  2. Correct or replace the boot.ini file. This will help you if the boot.ini file was actually the cause, and not the hal.dll file, which is more often the culprit.

Note: If restoring boot.ini did not fix the hal.dll error and it appears again after restarting and you recently installed Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) on Windows XP, uninstall it. In this particular case, IE8 may be the root cause of the hal.dll error.

  1. Create a new boot sector in Windows XP. If the boot sector is damaged or not configured correctly, a dll error appears.
  2. Recover data from bad sectors on your hard drive. If the physical part of your hard disk storing any portion of the hal.dll file has been damaged, then you will most likely see a system32 hal.dll error.
  3. Repair hal.dll file from Windows XP CD. If the hal.dll file is causing the problem, restoring it from the original Windows XP CD will fix the issue.
  4. Perform a Windows XP repair installation. This type of installation will replace missing or damaged files. Continue troubleshooting if this does not resolve the issue.
  5. Perform a clean install of Windows XP. This type of installation will completely erase your Windows XP from your computer and reinstall it.

Note: Although this is almost a 100% solution to any hal.dll errors, this process is very time consuming due to the fact that all your data must be fixed and then restored.

Important: If you cannot access your files to back them up, you must understand that you will lose them completely if you install clean Windows XP.

  1. Check your hard drive. If all the previous options for fixing the hal.dll error did not help, including installing a clean Windows XP, then the problem is most likely with the hard drive. Test it for errors to be sure.

If the hard drive fails any of the tests, replace it and then install the new Windows XP on your computer.

This issue applies to Windows XP, including Windows XP Professional and Windows XP Home Edition.

In other operating systems, such as Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, the hal.dll error can also occur, but the reasons are so different that it is a completely different troubleshooting guide (see below).

How to fix Hal.dll errors in Windows 7, 8 and Vista

Guide to Troubleshooting “Hal.dll Missing” Error in Windows 8, 7 and Vista

Hal.dll error message

Since we have already analyzed the hal.dll error in Windows XP above, I will briefly remind you in what form these errors can appear in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Vista that appear in the middle of the system boot:

  • Windows cannot start because the following file is missing or corrupted: C: \ Windows \ system32 \ hal.dll. Please reinstall a copy of the above file.
  • “Cannot find \ Windows \ System32 \ hal.dll”
  • “C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Hal.dll is missing or corrupt:

Reinstall a copy of the above file. ”

Causes of Hal.dll

The cause of the “windows root system32 hal dll” error is that the hal.dll file is damaged, deleted or moved from its intended location.

Another possible cause is a damaged hard drive, but in most cases in Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows it appears due to problems with the main boot code.

Also, if you see hall dll (with two ll), then a virus may be the cause. In this case, just scan the system with an antivirus program and the problem will be solved.

How to fix Hal.dll error in Windows 7, 8, Vista

  1. Reboot your computer. Start with this. Unlikely, the hal.dll error could be caused by a temporary issue that can be resolved by restarting your computer.

Note: since hal.dll errors appear before Windows fully boots, there is no way to properly restart your computer. Instead, you must force it. On the system unit, you can find a forced reboot button.

  1. Check the boot sequence in BIOS. The error will appear if the BIOS is configured so that at boot time the first hard drive lists the other than the one with the commonly used copy of Windows installed on it.

Note: If you’ve recently installed an internal or connected an external hard drive, made BIOS changes, or saw a flashing BIOS, this could be the cause of your problem.

  1. Perform a system restore. Running the repair process in Windows 7 and Vista is an automated Windows fix download, this tool will fix hal.dll error related to a corrupt or missing hal.dll file in most cases.
  2. Update the boot code to use BOOTMGR. If the amount of boot code is corrupted or configured for a boot manager other than BOOTMGR, then you will see a “hal.dll missing” error.

Note: Boot code size issue is the most common cause of hal.dll error in Windows 7, 8 or Vista.

I describe it as the fourth step, since the first are the easiest to perform. However, if you are comfortable with the advanced tools on Windows, feel free to take this step first.

  1. Hard disk test. Chances are, hard drive damage is the problem. Replace the hard drive if the test shows a problem, and then reinstall Windows 8, 7 or Vista on a New Drive.
  2. Perform a clean install of Windows . This kind of Windows installation will completely erase all your data (including errors) and boot you a new system.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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