How to fix error code 0x80070005 In Windows 10

Guide where we tell you 4 methods to solve Windows error 0x80070005.The error code 0x80070005 , also known as an access denied error, is an update error that occurs very often in Windows 10, although it can also occur in other versions of this operating system, such as Windows 8 and 7. This error is It appears when trying to update the operating system, install an application, access the Microsoft store, try to make changes to system files, among others.

The causes of error 0x80070005 can be several, but the most common are problems with administrative rights, incorrect Windows Update settings, wrong system settings, damaged system files, and much more. But there is nothing to worry about, update errors are always fixable and this error code 0x80070005 is no exception.


  • 1How to fix error code 0x80070005
    • 1Solution 1: Activate administrator account
    • 2Solution 2: Perform file check
    • 3Solution 3: Check for file system errors on the hard drive
    • 4Solution 4: Run the troubleshooter to fix error code 0x80070005
  • 2Why does the Windows error code 0x80070005 occur?

How to fix error code 0x80070005 In Windows 10

Although the causes are diverse, the solutions to error code 0x80070005 are always the same. It should be noted that this error does not have major implications in the system, so it does not directly affect its operation, however, if we want to keep our system updated, we will need to eliminate this error in a mandatory way. Below are the most common methods to fix this error and put an end to the headache.

Solution 1: Activate administrator account

It happens very often that we operate our equipment from our administrator account, but this does not have all the special permissions that it should have. Below is step by step how to activate administrator account:

  • Step 1: Press the key with Command Prompt + R.
  • Step 2: The Run box will open, we must type cmdand click OK .
  • Step 3: The command console appears on the screen, we must enter the command net user administrator /active: yesand press Enter.
  • Step 4: Finally we must restart our system. With this, the special administrator permissions will be active.

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Solution 2: Perform file check

As we mentioned before, one of the causes of the error code 0x80070005 can be damaged system files, so it is necessary to check them and make sure that they have not suffered any damage or are corrupted. Follow the steps below to perform a file check:

  • Step 1: We go to the start of Windows and in the search box we type cmd and click on Command Prompt (administrator).
  • Step 2: In the console we must write the command sfc /scannowand press Enter.

After executing the command, the check will start, it will be in charge of finding faulty system files and repairing them.

Solution 3 – Check for file system errors on the hard drive

The error code 0x80070005 can also pop up in case there are some files with errors inside the hard drive. To fix this, you can use Microsoft’s Check Disk or do it manually.

Just type the same command you would type at the command prompt: CHKDSK X: /F and replace the X with the drive letter you want to scan.

You will see an alert appear that the system cannot be checked because other processes are running the hard drive. Click on the letter. “J” and Check Disk will run on the next system boot. Now, close the commands and restart the PC.

Solution 4: Run the troubleshooter to fix error code 0x80070005

Follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Head over to the Settings section and enter Update & security.
  • Step 2: Click Troubleshoot and then click Run the troubleshooter.

Why does the Windows error code 0x80070005 occur?

When we find ourselves on our PC with the error code 0x80070005, you should know that it is related to the updates of Microsoft applications or the operating system itself. In fact, you may come across it when activating any other Windows product.

Normally the error occurs because your user does not have the permissions to access a specific file or the registry, it may even be damaged system files. Although we have usually encountered it on Windows 10, other users report error code 0x80070005 on Windows 8 and 7.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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