How to fix error 9203 in Genshin Impact?

Error code 9203 in Genshin Impact does not have a detailed description on the part of the developers. Due to the fact that it appears almost immediately after the launch of the game client, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about the reasons for the failure. However, custom reports helped establish that anti-cheat is almost always the case. Without a system of protection against cheaters, the game does not allow downloading any files and running Genshin Impact. Probably, the anti-cheat was blocked, did not start automatically, or encountered some kind of problem when opening. It runs in the background, so there might not be any alerts.

Understanding the source of the problem helped you figure out how to fix it. Users on the Reddit forum responded positively about them . We suggest performing one or more of the solutions below.

How to fix error 9203 in Genshin Impact?

In total, 3 effective fixes can be distinguished, all of them are aimed at restoring the operation of the protection system against cheaters. First, let’s try to restart the anti-cheat along with the game, if there is nothing serious, it should work. Then let’s check that the antivirus hasn’t blocked any important Genshin Impact files. In the end, we will try to forcibly reinstall the protection service. One way is bound to work.

3 ways to fix error 9203 in Genshin Impact:

  • Restart. We recommend that you close the game, restart your computer and restart Genshin Impact. This helped a lot of people, because when you restart it, the anti-cheat starts working correctly. An important point – the game should be launched immediately after turning on the computer, without preloading the browser and other programs.
  • Disable antivirus. User experience shows that after turning off the built-in and third-party antivirus, the game can work. If the solution worked, all that remains is to add the Genshin Impact to the exclusion list.
  • Reinstalling the anti-cheat service. If the protection system is severely damaged, which cannot restart on its own, we will stimulate this process. You need to open the “Command line” as administrator and sequentially insert 2 commands sc stop mhyprot2 and sc delete mhyprot , after each pressing Enter. Only first you need to close the game and its processes through the “Task Manager”. After restarting, the game client will download and install the anti-cheat again. This should do the trick.

Everyone who encountered error 9203 in Genshin Impact and wrote about it in the forum thread was able to fix it in one of the following ways. This will most likely work in your case as well. Good luck!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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