How to fix error 0xc0000007b on my Windows 10 and 11

Microsoft Windows usually presents an error when there are incompatibility problems at the software and hardware level . Given this circumstance, it is important to know how to solve the error 0xc0000007b on your Windows 10 and 11 PC. In this tutorial we will show you the causes of this error and the steps you must follow to solve it.

Index( )

  1. What does Windows error code 0xc0000007b mean?
  2. Methods to remove error 0xc0000007b from a Windows computer
    1. Check for operating system updates
    2. Install and run Microsoft DirectX
    3. Download the latest version of the .NET Framework
    4. Use the Windows troubleshooter
    5. Reinstall Windows system
    6. Fall back to the command line
    7. Check if there is no error on the disk

What does Windows error code 0xc0000007b mean?

When the Windows error code 0xc0000007b occurs, it means that there is an incompatibility in the Visual Studio libraries . Also, it may be that you are trying to run 32-bit applications on 64-bit systems and vice versa. Therefore, the user is forced to close the said application.

There are several causes that can cause the error 0xc0000007b in Windows. One of them is usually the application of an update or the installation of a patch on the system. Another cause may be the presence of corrupt files, as well as the use of applications that are incompatible with the architecture of your operating system.

Methods to remove error 0xc0000007b from a Windows computer

There are various methods to remove error 0xc0000007b from a Windows computer . One of these methods is to check for system updates. Also, you can install or update Microsoft DirectX. Also, it is recommended that you download the latest version of the .NET Framework.

You can also access the Windows troubleshooter, reinstall the system, or use the command line . In some cases, it is enough to restart the computer and reinstall the application that is causing the error. Similarly, it is advisable to update the software on your PC through Windows Update.

Check for operating system updates

It is important to check for updates to the operating system. The 0xc0000007b error and other issues are usually resolved by installing the latest downloads recommended by Microsoft. For this reason, go to the system settings and click on ‘Update and security’. Then check for updates with Windows Update .

Next, press the ‘Check for updates’ button and wait while the system takes care of displaying the update files that your computer requires. Once the necessary files are detected, it will start downloading the recommended list. Lastly, hit the ‘Restart Now’ button to install the downloads .

Install and run Microsoft DirectX

DirectX is an API or programming interface that is used for the proper execution of audio and video. Sometimes it is necessary to install and run Microsoft DirectX to fix certain errors in Windows. In fact, when there are problems with DirectX, errors can occur when running games from your PC .

For this reason, it is necessary that you install the most recent version of DirectX that is compatible with your PC. You can do this by turning on updates from Windows Update. Also, you can perform a manual download by accessing the Microsoft download website . Choose the language of the installer and press the ‘Download’ button.

Download the latest version of the .NET Framework

Error 0xc0000007b may be caused by system issues with the .NET Framework. In such a case, it is essential to download the latest version of the .NET Framework on your PC. Once you update this API, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Use the Windows troubleshooter

You can use the Windows troubleshooter to resolve the 0xc0000007b error. To achieve this, go to the system settings and click on ‘Update and security’. Then select the ‘Troubleshoot’ section and turn on the ‘Automatically run troubleshooters’ option and then ‘warn me’.

Reinstall Windows system

Another way to fix error 0xc0000007b on your PC is to reinstall the Windows system . To do this, open system settings and click ‘Update & security’. Then go to ‘Recovery’ and press ‘Start’ to reset the PC. Similarly, you can boot your computer using the Windows installation CD.

Fall back to the command line

You can use the command line if the above options still don’t resolve the 0xc0000007b error. In this regard, try to run a scan and repair the corrupted files on the system. To do this, access the Windows command console using administrator privileges.

Open the Windows command console in administrator mode to run the scan for all . Then, type the command sfc /scannow and press ‘Enter’. Wait for the verification phases to complete, and if they detect errors, type the commands dism /online/cleanup-image/checkhealth and dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth.

Check if there is no error on the disk

To check if there are no disk errors, access the Windows command console with administrator privileges . Then type the command chkdsk /f /r and press the ‘Enter’ key. Next, configure the check to be activated when you restart your computer. Lastly, restart your PC and wait for this process to be done.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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