How to fix error 0xc0000005 on Windows 7?

Error 0xc0000005, or, as it is also called, an unexpected installation error is one of the most common problems in Windows 7, somewhat less common on Windows 8. The network writes that this error, in principle, occurs on all versions of Windows, but the author of this article , using the licensed 10th version of Microsoft’s OS, has not yet encountered it in 1.5 years of his laptop.

Application error 0xc0000005 occurs when the user initializes various software. And it is not possible to guess which application will refuse to launch. The window of this error can be seen during the game or when starting the application, it contains a small message about the detected problem. Nobody knows the exact reason for this error, there are only a number of user assumptions about this.

Possible causes of the error

  • Problems with OS updates.
  • Errors in RAM.
  • Hardware-software conflict.

The key reason for the error is cited as update issues in Windows 7. An update released by Microsoft, which aims to alter a number of important Windows files to improve system security, surprisingly often results in this error.

So how to fix error 0xc0000005 on Windows 7?

You will need to open the Run line , which can be done from the Start menu . Next, in the line that opens, you need to write the command to delete the failing update as indicated by us in screenshot 1.

Having registered the command, you need to click ” OK “, and after that, if your OS has found and removed this update, restart your computer. Next, you should make sure that the error has disappeared, for which you need to start the application that refused to open. If the error at launching the application 0xc0000005 appears again on the screen, repeat the procedure with the “Run” line and the delete command for updates # 2859537, # 2872339, # 2882822 and # 971033 . You can change the order of the updated updates, this is not so important, however, after each uninstallation, you need to restart the PC and check for the absence / presence of an error.

It is believed that for Windows 10, the cause of error 0xc0000005 should be looked for primarily in the incorrect operation of DDR (RAM). Therefore, if you encounter this error in the 10th version of Windows OS, try scanning the RAM of your PC.

A free utility is suitable for this. Memtest86 +… By running this utility and scanning the computer’s RAM for errors, it is likely that you will see a picture as in screenshot 2. In such a situation, we strongly recommend replacing the RAM cards of your computer.


If everything is in order with the PC’s RAM, then we recommend that you update the printer driver or several printers you are using. As mentioned above, a hardware-software conflict is one of the suspected causes of error 0xc0000005. Most often, such equipment is a printing device. You will need to uninstall the printer driver (you can do this in Control Panel at All Control Panel Items → Programs and Features ). By right-clicking on any item in this menu (as in screenshot 3), you can call the ” Delete ” command . Using it, restart the PC and install the driver again using the CD supplied with the printer.


However (and this can be seen in screenshot 3) for Windows 10, printer drivers are already built into the system and therefore in the menu  All items in the control panel → Programs and Features are not displayed. Therefore, for Windows 10, the printer must be rolled back in the Control Panel at All Control Panel Items → Devices and Printers (see screenshot 4). After deleting the printer in this menu, reboot the system with the printer disabled, and then turn it on and wait for the driver update.

Not often, but the reason for the error 0xc0000005 is a conflict between the video card driver and the system. Therefore, as is the case with the printer, it is worth updating the driver or, if the problem is with the latest version of the driver, roll back it to the previous version.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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