How to exchange your Axie Infinity SLP coins for another?

Throughout 2020 and 2021 NFT games have become quite popular. These games focus on a system where after investing a certain amount of money, after a while you will recover your investment by playing. Without a doubt the most stable and known NFT is Axie Infinity . So if you already know how the battles are in Axie Infinity and you are going to collect your SLP, then you will discover how to do it.

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  1. How to send your SLP coins to Binance using MetaMask?
    1. Transfer from Ronin to MetaMask
    2. Transfer from MetaMask to Binance
    3. Transfer them to your funds wallet
  2. How to change your SLP that you earned in Axie Infinity for a different one?
  3. What is the way to transfer your funds from Biance to your bank account?

How to send your SLP coins to Binance using MetaMask?

This can be an extensive but simple process if you pay attention, to do this we must have 3 wallets . You have to have a Ronin Wallet, a MetaMask account and a Binance account, without a doubt the most complicated account to create will be the Binance account. Once you have managed to register with Binance , MetaMask and Ronin and have everything ready, it is time to claim your SLP.

Transfer from Ronin to MetaMask

First go to the Axie Infinity Marketplace, log in through Ronin and look for the ‘Claim tokens’ option to pass your SLP to your Ronin account. Then go to the ‘Ronin Withdrawal’ section. Now you will have to paste your MetaMask address from the main Ethereum network. Then select the currency (In this case SLP) and the amount. Finally, you will have to sign the contract and review your MetaMask and that’s it.

Transfer from MetaMask to Binance

To transfer your SLP from MetaMask to Binance you will have to go to the Binance page, open the ‘Wallet’ menu and choose ‘Overview’, then go to ‘Deposit’ and select the ‘Cryptocurrency deposit’ option. Find the SLP (without the OLD) and select the Ethereum (ETH) network and copy the address. Then go to MetaMask and select ‘Send’, paste the network, select the type of currency, the amount and finally sign the contract.

Transfer them to your funds wallet

To Transfer from your Spot wallet to your Wallet of funds or Wallet P2P is a very simple process. Go to the ‘Wallet’ menu and select ‘Wallet of funds’, then look for the option of ‘Transfer’ and select your Spot wallet to your wallet of funds, select the SLP, the amount and so you will have your SLP ready in your wallet of money.

How to change your SLP that you earned in Axie Infinity for a different one?

It is possible to transfer SLP to another cryptocurrency such as Eternal from CryptoMines, but first, if you are a newbie, it is important to know what CryptoMines is  since it is one of the NFTs that is best positioned today. To do this exchange you must do it from MetaMask, since the cryptocurrencies that Binance uses are counted . However, you can check which ones they are from the ‘Trading’ option where all those that Binance handles will be displayed.

If you are going to buy another currency depending on which one you can do it from one page or another , in any case, to buy Wanaka Farm safely the Etoro page is used. In turn, another well-known page is PooCoin, which allows you to buy and sell almost any currency you want. Keep in mind that you will have to have your money saved in MetaMask for this.

What is the way to transfer your funds from Biance to your bank account?

In order to transfer your Binance funds to your bank account , you will have to have your money in your funds wallet, then go to the ‘Buy / sell’ section and select the currency you are going to sell. Normally the USDT Cryptocurrency is used because it is the equivalent of a unit to 1 dollar, handling in 1/1. Finally, choose the currency in which you will receive the payment.

Once with the currency to sell and the currency to receive, you should select the payment method, in this case the bank to use. In the list that opens, locate users who have good reviews to avoid any scam, look at the amounts they have and the amounts of the changes. Chat with the buyer and release your USDT only after confirming the payment in your bank account, close the deal, give your review and you will be finished with the sale process.