How to enable Javascript in the browser?

JavaScript is a platform or programming language developed in order to be compatible with most browsers today. It is mainly used in the creation of websites that are looking for a dynamic alternative.

Web pages have evolved, and today they are established as interactive platforms that allow the user to carry out different activities through their portal. JavaScript lists various types of effects that can be applied to an online platform.

How to activate or enable JavaScript in any web browser?

More than 20 years ago, most computers were connected to the internet platform through a modem that did not navigate at more than 30 kbps. So the access and activity within the web pages were quite slow.

By this time, websites began to be developed that required the client to provide specific information , and when entering data, the response speed was quite bad. So because of this, Brendan Eich decides to create JavaScript.

JavaScript is a programming language that does not require specific parameters to be compatible with any website, in its beginnings it was called “LiveScript” . However, after the alliance between Netscape (developer company) and Mycrosistems, the program was renamed Javascript, for better marketing at the time.

How to enable Javascript in the browser?

The process to enable language programming on your computer depends on the type of browser running on the same, but the steps are often quite similar.

How to enable Javascript in Google Chrome?

  • Enter the main page of the browser and click on the key-shaped icon located in one of the upper corners of the screen.
  • Scroll down the list of options and select the “Preferences” option .
  • Then click on the “advanced or under the hood” option .
  • Enter content settings and go to the privacy section.
  • Now go to Javascript and click on «allow all sites that are shown to you» .
  • Click close .

How to enable Javascript in Mozilla Firefox?

  • Go to the main browser screen and select the tools menu .
  • Now click on options and then on the “content section” .
  • Check the box next to “Block pop-ups, load images automatically, and enable Javascript.”
  • Click on accept and then update your Mozilla Firefox browser, for this, double click with the right mouse button (mouse) and then select “reload”.

How to enable Javascript in Safari 4y5 browser?

  • Enter Safari as you normally do (by clicking on the “Dock” icon).
  • Go to the Safari menu, and select the “preferences” option from the drop-down list .
  • You will find different options, you must enter “security” in the upper tab of the window.
  • Now click on the box to enable Javascript, then you must click on close to save the new settings.

How to enable Javascript in Internet Explorer?

  • Go to the main page of your Internet Explorer browser and select the «tools» icon .
  • Then you must click on “Internet options” .
  • Once you log in, go to the “security” or security section .
  • Click on security and proceed to click on the “custom level” option .
  • A pop-up window will appear with the dialog «security settings» -internet zone (security questions and internet zone, in Spanish).
  • Enter “scripting” and then enable the “active scripting” option.
  • Select “enable” and then click “ok”.
  • If a pop-up window appears, you can click on “yes” and then on “ok” to close the configuration space.

It is important to mention that by enabling Javascript in your browser, it is possible to perform actions established with the program. However, if for some reason the programming language is disabled, all the actions inherent to it may not be available.

It may also interest you , How to disable Javascript in the Safari, Chrome and Firefox browser, among other related topics. Taking into account that on this website you can get a wide content with different technological topics of great relevance today.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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