How to Edit a WhatsApp Message

WhatsApp, the world’s most used messaging app, continues to improve its user experience to help users communicate with family, friends, co-workers and partners comfortably. One of the most anticipated features by many is the ability to edit sent messages , which prevents embarrassing mistakes or incorrect information. Or mark a “where I said I say, I say Diego” from the manual. In this tutorial, we will explain how to edit a WhatsApp message in just a few simple steps.

Of course, WhatsApp has launched this function, for now, for users of the beta or test version . It still has to be tested and polished before reaching the general public. So it is possible that you do not have this function at the moment. Be patient and update your WhatsApp application whenever you can. Eventually the feature will arrive for everyone and you will simply have to follow these steps to use the message editing mode:

  • Step 1: Long press on the message :
    To start, open the conversation in which you want to edit a message. Locate the specific message you want to fix and long press on it. This action will highlight the message and reveal a popup menu with several options.
  • Step 2: Press the three dots in the upper right corner
    Once you have made a long press on the message, you will see three dots located in the upper right corner of the screen. Click on these points to display more options.
  • Step 3: Choose the “Edit” option
    Among the options that are displayed in the three-point menu, find and select the “Edit” option. Doing so will open the message editing mode and you will be able to modify its content.
  • Step 4: Rewrite the message
    This will allow you to rewrite the message and correct any errors or incorrect information that you have previously sent. It’s as simple as retyping in the text box what you originally wanted to put in the message.
  • Step 5: Confirm the action and send
    Once you’ve corrected the message, be sure to review it carefully. If the changes are OK, just tap the confirmation button to apply the changes. And that’s it. The message is corrected, modified or edited.

Edited WhatsApp messages will carry an “edited” label , letting other users know that a correction or modification has been made. This ensures transparency and avoids misunderstandings in conversations. Or, at least, to know that there was originally other information in that message.

How to correct or change a WhatsApp Message

Have you noticed an error in a WhatsApp message that you sent by accident? Don’t worry, thanks to the editing function of WhatsApp, correcting a message on WhatsApp is quick and easy . Follow the steps mentioned above to access edit mode and make any necessary corrections.

Apart from fixing errors and misprints, you can also change the content of a message in WhatsApp entirely. If you want to modify the information previously provided or update a data, follow the steps to edit a message in WhatsApp and make the pertinent changes. There are no limitations when it comes to modifying, correcting or changing a message on WhatsApp. At least for now.

How to know what was in an edited WhatsApp message

Typos can easily occur while typing messages quickly on WhatsApp. And finally they can be corrected. But what if he initially put something else in the message? Is there a way to know what was in an edited WhatsApp message?

The answer is that, at least for now, no. WhatsApp only marks messages as edited. But we have already seen that they can say the complete opposite of the original message. However, WhatsApp does not give clues or allow you to see the changes of a message that has been modified . We have tried to press the message and review its information. But we only find the “edited” mark that assures us that it is not the original message. No trace of what he said. Which could be a very good option to avoid brawls and dramas.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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