How to Easily Install and Add Devices to HomeBridge

Computer compatibility has been a major stumbling block between computer operating systems and mobile devices. It is somewhat annoying to acquire a device for your home kit and that it cannot be linked to your Smartphone, for example. That’s why knowing how to easily install and add devices to HomeBridge is important.

This software represents a very interesting alternative, especially for the Apple user community. Since it is very common that a device in the home is not compatible with Homekit.

Let’s talk a little about Homekit

Homekit is a system belonging to Apple . This software allows the configuration and manipulation of home devices. Televisions, heating system, air conditioners, cameras, routers, speakers, even the locks and other elements of the security system!

The only problem is that to operate these computers effectively, you need the Apple license . In other words, that Apple has that device registered in its system. Only then can you get the most out of the benefits of Homekit.

A strong opponent

Homebridge, on the other hand, has made an appearance as a very interesting alternative to Homekit. It is free software that offers the same functions as the one designed by Apple. Installing and adding devices to HomeBridge easily helps a lot. For example, to control, turn off and turn on lights with an iPhone .

But wait, that’s not the best of all! Without a doubt, what stands out the most is the ability to link devices regardless of the system. Linux, Windows, iOS, Android. Any type of device in your home can be part of Homebridge .

How to install it?

This system, like many others, requires a wireless internet service for its correct operation. So it is important that you know how to increase the Wi-Fi signal of my cell phone to ensure that there are no problems.

To install and add devices in Homebridge simply require some knowledge of the system. This makes the procedure somewhat complicated. However, by following the instructions that you will find here to the letter, everything will be satisfactory.

Step by Step

As previously noted, Homebridge is available for different operating systems . So the installation process can be adapted to the device of your choice. In this case, we will use the Linux system as an example.

  1. The first thing to do is install Node.js and its additional dependencies through the Linux terminal. You just have to enter the following commands:
    • # setup repo
    • curl –sL | sudo bash –
    • # install Node.js
    • sudo apt-get install –y nodejs gcc g ++ make python net-tools
    • # test node is working
    • node –v
  2. It is time to install both Homebridge and its user interface (Homebridge UI). To do this, you will have to enter the following:
    • Sudo npm install –g –unsafe-perm homebridge-config-ui-x
  3. Run HombeBridge as a service.
    • Sudo hb-service install –user homebridge

The above command is the one that will execute everything that is necessary for the installation of HomeBridge on your computer. From here, you can add or remove the plugins that you think are necessary.

Start adding devices!

Your Linux computer, your iPhone, and other devices will now be ready to link through Homekit , if applicable. How about you start by adding a TV? If you have your iPhone on hand, follow the instructions below:

  1. Enter the Homekit application.
  2. Click on “Home tab”, represented by the “+” icon.
  3. Now, select the option “Add accessory” and select “I don’t have a Code or cannot scan”.
  4. Choose the accessory you want to add.
  5. Enter the code shown after selection.

Ready! Enjoy Homekit and HomeBridge together

Now it remains to learn the ability to link smart devices such as Apple TV that are in your home. Remember, the internet connection is important . Only then will you enjoy all the benefits and advantages of HomeBridge.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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