How to download a free Antivirus for a Samsung Smart TV

Samsung Smart TVs also run the risk of having viruses , because over the years, they have evolved into a very useful device that can also be connected to the Internet, just like a telephone device and a PC.

Having the common characteristic, like the vast majority of smart units, of being able to link to the internet network runs the same risk of acquiring malicious threats such as viruses.

Antiviruses are essential if we want to keep our Samsung TV free from threats of suspicious activities such as viruses. Currently it is very common to have a smart TV, here we will tell you how to clean and protect them.

Activate antivirus for Samsung TV

You wonder why? An antivirus is essential on a Samsung TV, the answer is simple, if we only downloaded applications offered by both Google and Samsung, then it would not be necessary, however, you are always looking for other programs, which puts your computer at risk .

Free antivirus for your Samsung TV

The Samsung TV has a software called Tizen os. It has the particular characteristic of having the McAfee antivirus , which is already integrated into these devices, so that customers can have it for free. Because it is something different, many are unaware of this novelty that the Samsung TV brings.

Now, this antivirus must be passed on your Samsung TV manually, at least every two weeks manually, to do this, follow these steps:

  • Enter the Samsung TV Menu and display the apps bar
  • Scroll down to “Settings.”
  • Click on “General”.
  • Locate “System Administrator . 
  • Scroll down to where it reads “smart security.” Here you will see the alternatives: “Search” and “List of isolates”. Option one acts as a scanner on the television in order to discover the existence of a possible threat. In the second option, it is where you can verify the list of all those elements that were isolated due to having viruses.
  • Click on search. In a fraction of seconds the television is scanned for some kind of virus.
  • Once scanned, a message will appear where you can read the analysis of the search.
  • Ready easy right! This antivirus integrated into the Samsung TV is only available for models from 2018 onwards.

Download free application to your Samsung Smart tv

When downloading or installing applications on your Samsung smart device, you must make sure that this app is compatible with the operating system, for this you must follow these steps:

  • Turn on the television, with the control press the button to enter the “Smart Hub” found in the main menu.
  • Within the options that are displayed, choose the icon for Applications (apps).
  • By having access to the App store; truthful all the elements that you already have installed. Look in the upper area for a bar, where the categories are found, there you can filter your search.
  • To install apps on your Samsung brand TV, scroll through the options with the control, until you get the one you want to install
  • Click on the icon of the chosen app
  • Subsequently, click on your TV screen where it reads “Download” . That’s it, easy, fast and free.

Know the software of your Samsung Smart TV

To know what the software of your Samsung TV is, it will depend on the TV model, but the most common is to proceed as follows:

Enter the TV menu, look for “Technical Support” . Tap Contact Samsung. Then in Software version. If, on the other hand, you have an older television model, you must proceed as follows:

Again enter the TV menu. “Technical support”. Then “Update software” and finally “Update now” . Once the TV starts searching for the update, it will show the version of your Samsung TV.

The antivirus for Samsung brand TV have made a lot of progress in a short time, it could be said, at the same time as smart phones.

These are necessary if what we want is to keep our devices clean of viruses and prolong the life of our devices. Now it’s your turn to take care of your Samsung TV .

Put the information given here into practice and make the most of your television and surf the internet without worrying about suspicious threats.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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