How to deploy a node.js app on heroku

In this article I show you how to automatically deploy a node.js app on heroku from the ide using heroku toolbet.

The contents of the article

  • io and Heroku Toolbet
  • Create your app on Heroku
  • First deploy from

In this article I will tell you how to automatically deploy a node.js app on heroku using the cloud ide and the integrated heroku toolbet . Don’t know what is?

Then take a small step back, I suggest you read my article  on, the free and collaborative cloud ide  recently purchased from Amazon (AWS).

Back to us, I have been using for a long time and initially there was a graphical interface that allowed, in a visual way, to deploy a node.js app on Heroku .

Subsequently a new graphical interface was introduced   and since then the visual tool is no longer available, so you will have to use the command line and the features made available to developers by Heroku itself through the Heroku Toolbelt . and Heroku Toolbet

I give you good news, on the Heroku Toolbet is installed by default and allows you to manage the applications published on Heroku directly from the command line , also integrated with the ide .

This is a view of the cloud ide, on the left the tab to browse all files, the central part contains the editor for the source code and below there are the tabs for the linux shell (file system) and the shell for debugging .

First, then, log in to your ide cloud and open your node.js webapp , if you don’t know how to create a test node webapp I suggest you read this article .


YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN …Deploy a node.js app on Heroku in Continuous Integration with gitHub

Consider that the Heroku deployment is now perfectly integrated with git so every push you push will result in an automatic deployment .

You can use  Heroku itself as a git repository or connect your application to a gitHub or dropbox account , in all cases the push will result in an automatic deployment .

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Create your app on Heroku

In this article I will show you how to deploy using the  git repository integrated with Heroku , the sequence of commands to run from the command line is this:

$ heroku auth: login

enter  your Heroku email and  password

Now create a new Heroku app with the command:

$ heroku apps: create by thinking

Replace thinkingit with the name you want to give your app.

A new app and related git repository will be created on Heroku, as shown in the figure:

The details of the new app will also be visible from your  dashboard , while from the ” Settings ” tab under ” Heroku Git URL ” you will find the link of the new git repository.

This operation will only create the ” container ” of the app that you will need to deploy. To complete the deployment you will need to link your project with Heroku via git.

First deploy from

So, always from the command line, set the git repository:

$ git init

Then add the Heroku remote repository (link seen previously under ” Heroku Git URL “)

$ heroku git: remote -a [heroku git url]

Now add the files to git ,  commit  and push :

$ git add.$ git commit -am “my first deploy”$ git push heroku master

The push will also determine the  automatic deployment of the app.

The game is done! Your new app is deployed on Heroku and visible from the link: https: // [yourApp]


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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