How to Delete Apps from iPhone / iPad

With the arrival of the latest iOS version, many things have changed. The operating system is seriously starting to devote itself to the mobile field, while products like the iPad are gradually creating their environment with iPadOS. As such, the functions that users have been accustomed to for years have begun to change in appearance, sometimes even developing different purposes than they once did.

A good example? The way iOS allows us to delete Apps . But if we want, this change is a very good thing. Until recently, deleting an App required a number of steps. Now, we can do all this in a few clicks on the display.

How to Delete Apps from iPhone / iPad

To start, go to the home of your iPhone or iPad, where you can see all the installed Applications (this function can also be activated within a folder). Keep your finger pressed on any App. A contextual menu will be shown with some choices, relating to the type of App you are indicating. However, what is always present is the choice to organize the Apps.

Once that choice is made, you will be given the option to move the icons you want around. All Apps will show a small symbol with an ” X ” in the top corner of the icon. This symbol indicates that the app can be deleted. Just click on it and iOS will ask you if you are sure to delete the program. Confirm your choice and the app will be permanently deleted .

What to do if the X does not appear next to the App icons?

Such a scenario is normal with system applications, but not with apps that you are sure you have installed separately.

In case you can check if it is possible to uninstall the App by going to Settings , then to General , and then to the section dedicated to the iPhone memory (Archive) . Inside is a list of installed programs. Select the one that interests you and check if the option to delete the App is available .

Another alternative is to check if the App is present in the App Store. This is also to check if the App is detected by the mobile and therefore has a track inside the Store, where you have clearly downloaded everything. Inside you can specify its elimination.

If the App is not present in the store, and cannot be deleted with either of the above methods, then you need to check a couple of things on your iPhone.

  1. Have you done the Jailbreak? In this case, the Apps are not normally detected by the App Store. Rather, you have to use other programs like Cydia or other Apps that can detect the changes and remove them.
  2. It may also be that the App in question is malware, although it is very difficult for this to happen, it is very possible that your iPhone has been modified. Check if you do not have some strange license installed under the profiles of your mobile phone, at that point it is very important to delete it or at least contact a technician who can help you in removing the infection.
  3. In other cases, there may also be an iOS error – although it doesn’t happen often – so try restarting your phone, turning it off and on again, or try to see if the App can be updated. Once the program is updated, check if it can be deleted.

If all fails, you can always perform a factory reset . This is very important, albeit drastic: if even after this operation you immediately notice the installed program – and it is not part of the normal series of Apps that Apple factory installs in its products – at that point there is really something strange, for which it is much better to rely on an Apple center.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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