How to create an account in ASK is a very particular social network, since its dynamics is based on asking users questions (in the style of question stickers on Instagram ), who can answer them or not, and thanks to that, the main audience of this social network are teenagers who are usually the most curious.

It can also be noted that one of the advantages of this page is that you can ask questions anonymously or publicly to friends, family or anyone else who interests you and who has an ASK account.

If you want to discover more about how ASK works , you are in the right place, since you will be able to know how to create or delete your account in a process very similar to that of Mach . In turn, you can clarify your doubts regarding how to ask questions and find people on the social network.

Index( )

  1. What is needed to open an account at ASK?
    1. Be over 13 years old
    2. An email or social network
  2. Procedure to create an account
  3. How to find a person in ASK?
  4. Where is a question asked of another person?
  5. Can the ASK account be deleted forever?

What is needed to open an account at ASK?

If you want to create an account in ASK, you need to comply with all the conditions and terms that this social network establishes for its users.

Be over 13 years old

In order to open an account on this social network, one of the conditions is that you are at least 13 years old . This is due to the type of content that ASK has, as most of the interested users are teenagers.

An email or social network

In order to create an account in ASK you need to enter an email . You must take into account that ASK messages can be filtered to your email. But to skip the email step, you can log in with Twitter, Facebook, or Google account.

Procedure to create an account

One of its characteristics that ASK has is that it is not necessary that you create an account to be able to ask your questions . However, if you want to create an account you must enter the ASKfm page or you can also download the application, which is available in the App Store or Google Play.

If you want to enter from the page, you must type ” ASKfm ” in your browser’s search engine and enter the website. In case you have already downloaded the application, the procedure that we will discuss below, works for both cases.

Once you are in the social network, the login button will appear , which you must click. After this, it will give you the option to create your account using one of the social networks you already have or email. In case you want to create your ASK user with an account from another social network, you will have to press the icons depending on which one you want to use.

In case you want to use email, you will have to fill out a form in ASK, in which you must enter a username, your full name, password, email , date of birth and language.

After having carried out this procedure, you will be able to search for your friends on other social networks and share your profile so that they can ask you questions.

How to find a person in ASK?

To search for people or friends on your Facebook  in ASK you can use the search engine which gives you the option to search for them through social networks to see who has an account there, or by entering the name of the person in the ASKfm search engine.

Where is a question asked of another person?

You can ask any person the questions you want and for this, what you must do is enter the profile of the person you want to ask . In this you will see a box in which you can write your question.

Of course, if they want it to be anonymous, you must click on the box that indicates that the person will not be able to know that it is you who is asking.

Can the ASK account be deleted forever?

If what you want is to delete your account , you must follow a few simple steps to achieve them. Unlike other social networks, the process for you to delete your account in ASK is very simple and fast.

The first thing you should do is log in and go to the configuration option. After that, you must click on the option to deactivate the account and enter the password to complete the process.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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