How to copy text from any protected internet page? | remove blockage

Website developers have implemented ways to protect the information provided on the web, making use of JavaScript programming, preventing readers or Internet users from copying the information.

In some way or another you can copy any text that is on the Internet , since it arose from the need to share information. So you can turn the bad experience of a protected website into something profitable, knowing the techniques to copy the text, which we provide in this article.

Index( )

  1. How to copy text from blocked or protected web pages on your computer?
    1. In Firefox
    2. Con Google Chrome
    3. Not Safari
  2. How to copy text from protected internet pages from the cell phone?
  3. What is the way to copy text from protected PDF documents?

How to copy text from blocked or protected web pages on your computer?

On the Internet we find countless sites that protect your information, blocking the ‘copy and paste’ option or access to content through text selection and disabling the right mouse button option.

Here are the most effective ways in which you can access the text and copy its content regardless of the type of protection that the website contains. Through web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

In Firefox

The Firefox web browser has excellent functions that you can use to access and copy the content of a protected website, one of them and the most common is making use of the extensions that this browser has.

To use the Firefox extensions you must access the browser, and look for the Automatic Reader View extension, and install it. Which will allow you to navigate in reading mode automatically which will give you the facility to copy the text.

Another way is to go to the top of the site , where the search bar is located, and there you must select the ‘Reading mode’ option from your Firefox browser.

Con Google Chrome

You can access the protected text of a website in different ways, either by disabling JavaScript from the browser , copying the site’s source code, using the Print PDF option, among others. Next, we will explain the ways that you can do it from the Chrome browser.

  • By disabling JavaScript, most websites are created with the JavaScript programming language, so we can use the Google Chrome settings to disable and activate JavaScriptand thus be able to select and copy the text normally. 

Therefore, to disable the JavaScript function you must go to the browser settings, followed by ‘Privacy and security’ , located in the advanced settings, and finally enter the content settings option and select the ‘JavaScript’ option. and deactivate it.

  • By copying the text from the source codeof the website, the website is written in a hypertext markup language (HTML), this language and other code can be viewed.

You will have to right click on the site and select the option ‘View page source’ or use a shortcut with the Ctrl + U keys , in case the website does not allow you to right click on it.

If you don’t have knowledge about programming languages, it may seem a bit strange and even confusing, but you can do it, you just have to focus where the text appears , once copied you must eliminate the HTML elements that appear enclosed between ‘< >’.

  • From the inspect element, every web browser contains an area called the inspect element, which is used, for all the redundancy, to inspect each element that makes up the source code of the website.

In Chrome this function appears with the name ‘Inspect’ or from the developer tools, where the HTML elements containing the content of the website will appear , you must locate the <p></p> elements that will contain the text you want to copy .

  • Printing the content of the site in PDF, you must install or have enabled the driver for printing to PDF, such as the PDF Creator program in your browser, so it will allow you to print or save the content of the site in PDF format, which easily you can copy it later what you need.
  • By disabling the user selection optionin CSS styles, normally websites contain cascading style sheets, these allow you to define the aesthetic part of the site, that is, the way in which the text is displayed, background color, design, etc. others.

You can enable site text selection by making use of the property named, user-select . Again, you’ll need to go into Chrome browser’s element inspection, locate the ‘user-select’ property in the CSS, and mark it to activate. Google Chrome also has extensions, which allow you to view the site in reading mode.

Not Safari

Safari, Apple’s popular browser also includes a Reading View, by default, which allows you to view the content of a website in a clean way, hiding unnecessary elements and highlighting the text itself, this function is also known as Reader Mode.

When you open an article in the Safari browser, an icon will appear next to the navigation bar, which you must select to activate Reader Mode or Reading View that you can customize from the aA icon.

How to copy text from protected internet pages from the cell phone?

At first, we mentioned ‘extensions’, incredible tools that different browsers have. Just as there are extensions for Android and iPhone in browsers, there are also Apps that we can install on our mobile devices.

What is the way to copy text from protected PDF documents?

It is not necessary to unlock a document to extract its information, it is enough to open the file in the Firefox web browser, and you must do the following:

  1. Right click on the documentand select the ‘Open with’ option
  2. Select the Mozilla Firefox option to open it in the web browser.
  3. Finally, you will be able to select and copy the text, from the browser.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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