How to cool your mobile when it gets hot

Do you need to cool down your mobile because it has gotten too hot ? It can occur in various circumstances, but that does not mean that it is something harmful since when we perform demanding tasks or play for a long time, we can notice that heat temporarily.

Another thing is that it overheats in excess to the point of burning your hands when you have it for a few seconds or that it even gets hot too many times, for which you must already be a little more careful because it can give you serious problems.

If any of this happens to you, you can resort to trying certain actions with which to lower the temperature of your mobile in order to cool it down and not have operational problems, since if it heats up often you could also notice incidents .

Stop using it for a few minutes

The best decision to cool down a phone is to stop using it for a few minutes , you will begin to notice that it cools down and does not heat up any more, so from there you can use it again without problems, although probably if you demand a lot of it again, you will come back. to notice the heat.

The problem with this is that you will not be able to use the mobile for a while and possibly, as we have already mentioned, it will heat up again, so you can resort to other situations to try to cool the phone in another way.

If this happens to you very often, that is, if you notice that your mobile heats up on several occasions without a specific reason, there may be internal problems, so it is best in this case to go to the technical service to see if there is any incident in its interior.

Turn it off and place it on a cold surface

Once option to cool the phone if you have noticed that it gets very hot is to turn it off if the option to stop using it for a few moments does not work . By turning it off for minutes or hours, the smartphone has no operating components and can safely cool down.

At the same time you can also try to place it on a cold surface to help the temperature drop faster. Of course, avoid ice as it can cause more problems, specifically a fluid problem

Dispense with the cover or change it

The covers protect the phone, but it can also prevent the smartphone from cooling properly, so it may be a good time to do without the cover if you notice that it is overheating.

Although you should definitely not do without the case because before falls it can prevent your mobile from breaking because it offers protection, you could make the decision to change it for another slimmer case , one that does not retain heat as much.

Remove the cover in some situations

In addition to the above, the good thing is that you remove the case and you are going to run a demanding game or a task that requires the processor to do extra work, so in those situations you should do without it and the mobile should not get so hot.

From the moment you return to your usual tasks (chatting on WhatsApp, consulting social networks, taking photos, etc.), you can put the case back on to protect your phone because here you shouldn’t notice that it gets hot as in the above situations.

Stay away from heat sources

Another way to cool the phone is to stay away and even avoid heat sources , such as the sun or an environment where it is very hot. As far as possible, avoid spending as little time as possible near them, and if you are, try not to use the phone too much.

This happens a lot when you take your mobile to the beach, it can damage your phone and if you find yourself in any of those situations and you see that the mobile is overheating, you know what you should do about it. The best are cool and even cold environments to play and work with the mobile.

Tips so that the mobile does not get hot

Apart from putting into practice everything we have told you to cool down your phone, you can also take into account a series of tips to prevent your phone from getting hot :

  • Do not demand more than normal: for example, a low-end cannot be asked to run a game that consumes a lot of resources, what you will get is that it does not work well and even that it gets hot trying to run it correctly.
  • Do not play while you charge it: already a phone that is charging can get hot, so while it is in that process do not use it to play, if you need it, use it as little as possible and since when you unplug it you can use it as usual .
  • Do not use apps that promise to cool: you can find in the Google Play Store apps that supposedly promise to cool the phone, do not trust too much because they usually do not work and can cause you more problems than benefits.
  • Lower the screen brightness: If your screen brightness is high, consider turning it down to a lower setting to prevent the phone from getting hot.
  • Free up space: delete photos, videos, documents and other files that you do not need, this way you will free up storage. A full or almost full internal space can cause the mobile to heat up more than normal when trying to run a game or app.
  • Use official chargers: to charge your mobile use the official charger, if it breaks buy an original one, the non-original ones can cause overheating and even other more serious problems.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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