How to connect two computers to a MySQL Server database

Having the tools to manage a database is essential when accessing information of interest or importance, especially when it is for work reasons. For this reason, there is nothing better in these cases than connecting and synchronizing two (or more) computers to a MySQL Server database.

On the web you can find endless software that will help you make connections between different computers to access, extract and manipulate content stored in a database. However, this is where you will find the best.

One database, two computers

If such is the case that you keep a database connected to a computer, but it is time to expand the ability to access this information and you want to know how to do it, you are in the right place. Where you can even download, install, configure and use MySQL on your Mac OS X Lion .

A look at Xampp

It is one of the best free softwares for this type of work. One of its main characteristics is that it is multiplatform, so whatever your operating system is, you shouldn’t have major problems installing and using it on different computers.

You can download this program by accessing the official Xampp website , safely, guaranteeing its correct operation . Once downloaded, proceed with its installation and here you will learn how to connect two or more computers to the database.

Connection process

Having installed Xampp , when you run it, you will find that the interface of this useful program consists of a small window.

In the section that corresponds to MySQL, you will click on the “Config” button and, later, you will select the “my.ini” option. This action will cause a text file to be opened, which contains valuable information about the settings allowed for remote access to the database .

MySQL configuration

Locate a section of the configuration identified with the following: # bind-adress =, this could also be found with a local IP configuration (something like:

The next thing you will proceed to do is remove the numeral (#) from the command or section previously mentioned, which will allow different types of connections to the database. Then click on “File”, “Save” and close the file.

  • Click on the “Stop” button.
  • A new window will appear on your screen, in which you will click “Yes” or “OK.”
  • Click on “Start.”

Login to phpMyAdmin

After completing the above procedure, it is time to enter phpMyAdmin to, again, make the relevant settings and, in this way, allow another computer to access the database .

  1. Access your browser.
  2. Type the following: localhost: 80 /
  3. Click on phpMyAdmin.
  4. Access the “User accounts” option.
  5. You will see the “Root” user, which is a default user.
  6. Click on “Edit Privileges.”
  7. Go to “Account Information”.
  8. In the “Host Name” section, you must put the following:%.%.%.%
  9. Click on “Continue.”

More specific access

This would allow any user to have access to the database, which would generate a certain risk in the information contained .

If, on the other hand, you want to grant more specific access, for example, to computers connected to your same network, you will simply have to know the gateway to which the database or your computer is connected and place it in the host name . An example of what would be left in that section would be the following: 192.168.0.%

Single connection between computers

Now, if your desire is to establish a connection between another computer with the database, or import and export SQL databases , you simply must have knowledge of the IP address of said computer and provide that information to phpMyAdmin in the section ” Host Name ”.

How do you know the IP address? Easy, go to that computer, click on the start menu, type “cmd” and press the “Enter” key or click on the “Command Prompt” application.

Execute the command “ipconfig”. Next, locate the “IPv4 Address” section and, in this way, you will identify the IP address corresponding to that computer .

Too easy!

With these simple steps, you will have already established and configured, through MySQL, the configuration of two or more computers to a database, so that they can manage the information contained in a fast and efficient way. Now that you know how to connect two computers to a MySQL Server database, it only remains to continue the journey.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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