How to comment on Facebook using my avatar from the application or PC?

Facebook always invents something new to entertain people who have started to create an account within the platform. One of the new things in this social network is the function of avatars for each of the people who have a current profile on the platform.

These avatars can be used to place them as a profile picture or if not, they can be used when commenting on a post. On this occasion, we will show you what is required to create or customize an avatar on Facebook, how to use it when interacting with your friends and if there is a possibility to use such an avatar on another platform.

How to Comment on Facebook Using my Avatar From the Application or PC?

Index( )

  1. What is needed to be able to use and customize your avatar on Facebook?
    1. Using the Android or iOS mobile app
    2. From the official Facebook website
  2. How can you use your avatar to interact with your Facebook friends?
  3. Is it possible to use this avatar on social networks other than Facebook?

What is needed to be able to use and customize your avatar on Facebook?

Before you can start using your Facebook avatar to comment on other people’s posts, you need to create an avatar for yourself. To create such Facebook avatars a couple of very important things are needed, which are:

  • The normal Facebook app.
  • Stable internet connection.
  • A computer.

These are the things that are needed to create a Facebook avatar, but sometimes the requirements are reduced to only 2. For example, if you have a mobile with the normal Facebook application, you do not need a computer. On the other hand, if you do not have the cell phone with the normal Facebook app , you will need the computer to use the Facebook website in this way.

However, since you clearly know what is needed to create or customize your Facebook avatar , you need to know how the changes are made. The process to create or change your Facebook avatar changes a bit depending on where you go to work the changes from.

Pay attention to the following two sub -topics so that you can see how to create or customize a Facebook avatar in a simple way.

Using the Android or iOS mobile app

From the normal Facebook application for mobile phones, a user’s avatar is personalized in the following way:

  1. Start the phone and open the Facebook App.
  2. Log in.
  3. Click on the icon of the 3 lyingdown lines .
  4. Go to the bottom and press where it says ‘See more’.
  5. Then, go to the ‘ Avatars‘ section.
  6. Move each of the options displayed there to create or edit your avatar.
  7. When finished, just save the changes.

That’s exactly how you go about creating or editing a Facebook avatar from the mobile app. Speaking a little more about Facebook, you need to keep in mind that within the app it is already possible to activate secret conversations .

Apart from activating secret conversations within Facebook , you can even create events using only your Facebook account . Facebook events can be very useful for certain things, such as advertising or promoting certain thoughts.

From the official Facebook website

The other way to create your avatar on Facebook is using the Facebook Web, pay attention to how exactly this is done:

  1. Turn on your computer.
  2. Open the web browser.
  3. Ve a Facebook Web.
  4. Log in.
  5. Zoom out the browser to view the extra options.
  6. On the left, locate the ‘See more’ optionand click on it.
  7. Next, find a section titled ‘Avatars’ and proceed to enter it.
  8. Finally, create or customize the avatar and save all changes.

When you finish doing all this, it would be good if you spend a little time to see how the autocorrect is activated to use in Facebook .

How can you use your avatar to interact with your Facebook friends?

There are several ways to use your avatar to share with your precious friends. The first one is going to download the Facebook image to send it to the person you want while you talk to her and the other way is by accessing the Stickers.

When you make an avatar on Facebook, the platform starts to create a series of Stickers with your avatar. Such Stickers can be used when commenting and when chatting with someone privately on Facebook.

Is it possible to use this avatar on social networks other than Facebook?

The definitive answer to this question is yes. The avatars you make on Facebook can be shared when you finish creating it or else by downloading the image and then sending it to the people you want and using the social network you most want. However, the bad thing is that from those other social platforms it will not be possible to use those stickers of which we mentioned that the Facebook platform happens to create.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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