How to change drive letter in cmd

How to change drive letter in cmd. If you want to use the command line (CMD) to develop tasks, you need to learn basic coding to control it. To use this line you must enter the command console in Windows. The console simulates MS-DOS so you will have to use several DOS commands when you work it. To change the drive on the command line, you can use “cd”. The Change Directory (cd) command allows you to navigate through different drives. The cd command is used if you want to change to a specific folder location on the drive; otherwise, in principle, the unit can be entered.

how to change drive letter in cmd

How to change drive letter in cmd (In 3 Steps)

Step 1

Click “Start.” Type “cmd” and press “Enter.” For Windows XP, type “Run” after typing “Start” now type “cmd” and click “Enter” This launches the command prompt. Now you can work on the command line.

Step 2

Type “D:” and press “Enter.” This will change the read command from “C:>” to “D:>”. This is the most basic way to change the command line unit.

Step 3

Type “cd / DX: \ folder” if you want to change to a specific folder elsewhere. The “cd / D” will tell the command line to change the directory to a specific location on another drive. The “X: \ folder” is the location of the separate drive and folder path. Hit “Enter”.

by Abdullah Sam
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