How to cancel Apple TV+ subscriptions from any device?

If you have already seen everything that interested you in the Apple TV + catalog , it may be time to unsubscribe from the service and subscribe to Netflix or other similar services that abound on the internet. Canceling your subscription is something you can do in just minutes.

Index( )

  1. What you should know before unsubscribing
  2. What are the options to be able to cancel my subscriptions?
    1. Unsubscribe from any search engine
    2. Cancel from iTunes for Windows
    3. from a Mac
    4. Con tu iPhone, iPad o iPod
    5. Directly on your Apple TV
    6. Using an Apple Watch
  3. Is it possible to cancel an Apple TV+ subscription from Roku?
  4. What should I do if I can’t find the subscription I’m looking for?
    1. The subscription was made through another company
    2. You used a different Apple ID when you signed up
    3. Registration was done through family
    4. Suspicious Subscription Log
  5. How to delete my subscription history?
  6. What platforms do I have as an alternative to Apple TV +?

What you should know before unsubscribing

Unsubscribing from Apple TV+ will not prevent you from using the service until your next billing date, however if you are using a free trial and choose to cancel it you will no longer be able to use the service.

What are the options to be able to cancel my subscriptions?

Apple makes it easy to cancel subscriptions to its services from virtually any device with an Internet connection . The most used options are the following:

Unsubscribe from any search engine

Go to the main page of Apple TV + and sign in if you have not already done so, click on your profile icon and go to settings. From there go to the Subscriptions and Manage section: select Cancel Subscription and confirm the decision .

Cancel from iTunes for Windows

We must go to our account menu and from there go to see my account , enter the password and in the menu that you will see on the screen go to the Configuration section and choose Manage in the accounts section.

We choose the Edit option in the Apple TV + subscription , then click on the Cancel subscription option and confirm the choice to cancel it.

from a Mac

The Mac is the most common device to consume Apple TV +, it is easy to connect with or without cables to a television making it the default device for the service. To cancel your subscription from a Mac, here’s what you need to do:

In the App Store, click on your user and go to View Information, go to the subscriptions section and choose Edit on Apple TV + and select Cancel Subscription.

Con tu iPhone, iPad o iPod

Enter the settings menu of your device, tap on your profile and go to Subscriptions. Now it would only be necessary to choose Apple TV + and select Cancel Subscription .

Directly on your Apple TV

Go to Settings > Users and Accounts , Choose the account that is subscribed to Apple TV + and in the Subscriptions section choose the service, finally choose Cancel Subscription.

Using an Apple Watch

Go to the App Store, and in the Accounts section choose your subscriptions . From there you just have to choose Apple TV + and select Cancel Subscription.

Is it possible to cancel an Apple TV+ subscription from Roku?

We must stop at the Apple TV + icon and press the asterisk: an options menu will open there in which we must choose Manage subscription> Cancel subscription .

What should I do if I can’t find the subscription I’m looking for?

There are certain circumstances in which subscriptions cannot be found in the profile. For each of these cases there are specific solutions to cancel the subscription:

The subscription was made through another company

Look for the corresponding subscription charge on your account statement. If it doesn’t appear in your Apple profile , then the subscription may not have been billed through Apple.

You used a different Apple ID when you signed up

If a different Apple ID was used to sign up for the service, then you must sign in with that account and cancel your Apple TV+ subscription from that profile.

Registration was done through family

In the event that a relative has been the one who made the subscription to Apple TV +, then it is that person from your user who must cancel the subscription.

Suspicious Subscription Log

First of all, you must verify that there is no sensitive information in the account and delete the application or factory reset the device. If you find sensitive information, immediately contact Apple support.

How to delete my subscription history?

Subscription history cannot be deleted from your account . If it is a case that requires it, you can contact Apple technical support and present your case in search of a direct solution.

What platforms do I have as an alternative to Apple TV +?

As previously mentioned, there are many alternatives if you are looking for other streaming services or even other devices like the Chromecast that have little to envy the Apple device . There are lots of alternatives, you just have to find what suits your preferences and budget.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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