How to browse anonymously on the Internet using Tor Browser?

Today navigation is an important factor in people’s daily lives, through it they can buy and study items such as food. That is why, in a very short time, the time will come that through it we do all the activities of our lives.

Something very similar to those science fiction stories where humans do practically nothing and robots are responsible for doing everything. The fact is, browsing has become a bit dangerous, although there are methods such as anonymous browsing with which we can protect ourselves.

Due to this, the intention of this article is to let you know what it is for to navigate incognito  and also using a very useful tool such as Tor Browser.

What is the use of browsing anonymously on the Internet?

Anonymous browsing has the main function of taking care of our privacy. Even in some cases, it can protect us from malicious software agents, but this only happens a few times, since in itself, that is what antivirus is for, there are even anonymous browsers to navigate  the web.

Then, some people will say “what can happen to us if we are through a computer” , a serious mistake that cannot be taken lightly. There are many people in the world whose work is kidnapping and homicide, and at times we can be vulnerable against these dangers.

What is the difference between browsing normally and anonymously?

The difference between browsing normally and anonymously is enormous, there are several factors involved . Although mainly the difference is that people do not surf anonymously until they want to hide something, either their IP address out of care, or simply because they do not generate a history.

In any case, it is always better to browse anonymously , because even if we do not really need it, we will always have the privacy factor to protect our interests, and as some wise men say “it is better to be safe than sorry”.

What tools allow anonymous browsing?

The main and most famous anonymous browsing tool is the incognito mode that can be activated in the vast majority of browsers. The small detail is that this doesn’t really hide all of our data. It just works to hide the history and avoid so-called “cookies” .

Cookies are tools that are installed on the computer and then emit information of interest about the pages that the user visits. Among other camouflage tools are the well-known “VPN” , which have the purpose of replacing our IP with others in foreign countries.

What is Tor Browser?

Tor Browser is a project through which an anonymity and privacy technology uncommon to others is being developed. Since the language under which it is being developed is open source, which implies that it has no cost for its standard use.

There has been great confusion with this project, since its technology belongs to users of the darknet or by its translation in Spanish dark network, a name that is very similar to the deep web or deep network. Therefore, some new users make the mistake of thinking that such a project is dangerous.

How to browse anonymously on the Internet using Tor Browser?

Since Tor Browser also works as a browser, the first thing we have to do is look for the official page of the program, download the compressed file and then. We download and install the same as in any other Windows program with free software.

The problem eradicates that we will not be able to instantly access the internet through the browser, we must open the “Start Tor Browser” program , which will automatically connect with the browser. When the connection ends, we can enter the network normally and under anonymity.

There are enough reasons to download this type of program, but Tor browser is among the best options we can choose, since due to its characteristic open source we will have an efficient program resulting from the work of many engineers after the same end.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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