How to Better Quality Screenshot on Android and iPhone

One of the best tools that mobile phones and computers can have is the option of long screen captures , if we want to have an image that we have seen in a social network such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp or another, this is the most immediate option With just a few steps we can get it to be saved on our mobile , we can also take screenshots on Windows PC .

This great option makes it easy to immediately obtain files or any meme that we see, we always save the screenshots as a memory that we could use later in any situation that comes our way, and we always wonder where to find the screenshots ? We can even use them as evidence of something that happened.

But taking screenshots in high resolution is something that most users have as a mystery, since sometimes they are not taken with the quality or resolution that we really want, for this reason, here we will show you how to do it later.

How can I improve the resolution of a screenshot on iPhone?

It is extremely important to know this procedure in order to obtain a better view and also a better image quality when taking a screenshot.

The first thing we must do is, enter ” settings ” in the menu of our iPhone mobile , after that we go to where it indicates ” screen and brightness ”, then we select the option of ” view ”, and click on the ” standard ” option, instead of ” zoom ”, since standard provides us with a better view of the format or image that we will be capturing.

It should be noted that screenshots also lose their quality when we share them in applications, since they tend to lose their sharpness, and in many cases even completely, that is why the best option is to send them through email, either be it Gmail or another, and if we don’t have an account we can create one easily.

How to improve the quality of a screenshot on my Android?

As we know these screenshots can be taken from all existing operating systems, that is why we must know how to improve their resolution  through our Android mobile, to obtain better visibility and provide the same to people with the We want to share these captures or images that we have previously saved in our gallery.

The best thing about this is that Android phones allow us to improve the resolution of the screen, for example when we are going to study, play, or take a screenshot, we need a high resolution screen , that is why the first thing we should do To obtain it, we enter ” settings ” of our Android mobile in this case, then select the option that indicates ” screen ”.

Next, we click on the ” screen resolution ” option, and choose the resolution we want, the ideal would be to place the most advanced one to achieve our goal, it should also be noted that there are mobiles that already come with high resolution from their factory , but at some point it may be lost due to various issues.

Applications to improve screenshots

Although it is true that there are multiple and different applications for this type of activity, and many are similar because they fulfill the same function, that is, to improve the resolution of the screenshots , but deep down they are not the same due to their characteristics. , some better than others.

Among the best we have Screenple, which includes capturing in different and very simple ways, such as a combination of buttons or simply a button to fulfill the function.

Also one of the favorites is Screen Master , which allows us to take a screenshot even by shaking our mobile, or simply with a floating button, it is one of the most genuine and positively acclaimed by the public that uses it.

In the same way we have Screenshot Tile , simply by pressing a quick setting we can achieve a great and high quality screen capture, and of course there are also capture programs for PC , since this need is not limited only to our phones.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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