How to avoid spoilers that appear on social networks?

Spoilers are very annoying, especially if they relate to series, shows or movies that really interest us. Understanding this, today we will talk about How to avoid spoilers that appear on social networks?

Are you tired of ruining your favorite series or movies because of spoilers? The truth is that there are a few effective measures to avoid encountering spoilers on our social networks .

How to avoid spoilers that appear on social networks?

Without a doubt, spoilers can be very annoying, since they usually damage the surprise of our programs or movies. In this interconnected world, social media is a space where there is an occasional danger of spoilers.

Even so, there are some ways and measures to avoid them, such is the case of the points that we will mention below.

Avoid spoilers on Twitter

Twitter is one of the most interesting and prepared social platforms, it presents us with several options with which it is possible to avoid spoilers . If you are tired of seeing spoilers within this social network, there are some measures that you can implement right now to avoid this great annoyance.

The option we are talking about is to silence specific words in the tweets, which makes the platform hide all those terms that they include in that list. This way, posts, tweets, mentions, and other content related to the term you decided to silence will not appear.

You can activate this feature as follows:

  1. You will need to go to your Twitter account and log in.
  2. Now, you have to go to the “Settings and privacy” section and then to “Privacy and Security”.
  3. Among the many options available you will find one called “Silenced / Silenced Words”. You just have to click on the “add” section and enter all those words you want to avoid, such as the name of the series, movie or material from which you want to avoid spoilers.
  4. As you will see, there are several options, one of them allows you to hide the content only from its start, another is to hide all the content and the last is to silence specific users. In turn, you can define the duration time of this rule.

On the other hand, Twitter offers multiple customization options, a clear example is the lists. We recommend that you learn what they are and how to create lists on Twitter , as they will allow you to view specific content of interest to you.

Avoid spoilers on Facebook

Facebook is one of the most important social platforms, it is used by millions of users and you can find very diverse content on it every day. Either way, this also encourages the proliferation of so-called spoilers, even so, there are a few measures to avoid them.

Like Twitter, Facebook presents an option to mute certain words, which works in practically the same way as with the previous platform. In any case, this option is not always available, so it is also necessary to take into account other measures, such as what we will point out below.

The best thing is to recognize those users or pages that possibly show spoilers. Look for publications of these pages or users at the beginning, then, all you have to do is press on the three points located above and to the right, here the option “Temporarily hide” will appear by clicking on it.

With the previous process, it will hide all the publications of this user or pages for 30 days. The process is reversible and after the 30 days mentioned above, you will be able to see your publications again, as you can imagine, this measure is an excellent option to avoid spoilers.

Finally, although it is not the most appropriate, you can also block comments on photos or Facebook images . Something that could help those unscrupulous people who want to spoil you.

Stay away to avoid spoilers on social media

Although with the aforementioned methods, you can get rid of annoying spoilers a bit , the truth is that some applications do not have configuration options like those mentioned above, that is the case of Instagram or Tik Tok.

Unfortunately, there are no completely effective options to avoid spoilers, it is for this reason that if you want to avoid damaging the surprise of that movie, series or program, we recommend that you use social networks moderately , trying to ignore any warning signs related to spoilers.

Ultimately, it would be best not to log into your account at least for as long as you may be in danger of seeing spoilers. If you want to take things further or if for some reason you want to temporarily deactivate a Facebook account , know that it is possible and is a valid option


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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