Those who install the Radar Covid application may run into the “App can’t function properly” error , which is quite serious, because it limits their ability to track the people we have been in contact with to warn of a possible coronavirus contagion.
We have already thoroughly commented on the official Radar Covid app that the Government of Spain has launched to track the coronavirus. Although it is only in testing in some areas, this bug is probably not going to be fixed.
And it is not an error of the app itself, but the notification comes out when it detects that the operating system closes Radar Covid when it is in the background , preventing it from performing the tracking at all times.
This is the message that warns of the problems with the optimization of the battery in Android:
DP3T SDK App can’t function properly: battery optimization enabled
Android mobiles from various manufacturers include certain improvements in the operating system to increase autonomy, including limitations on what apps can do, so that they do not consume too much power.
In the case of Radar Covid, we want it to work at all times , even if it consumes more battery. However, in our experience it does not reduce the time of use of the mobile too much, so it should not be a problem.
One of the brands that most aggressively limits applications is Xiaomi on MIUI, a heavily modified version of Android. Luckily, it is easy to change the optimization of the apps, you just have to know where to do it.
We can solve the problems from the settings of a Xiaomi mobile in this menu:
Applications -> Manage Applications -> Covid Radar -> Battery Saver -> No Restrictions
After following these steps, the notification of “App can’t function properly” will disappear and the tracking of possible contacts with coronavirus will work correctly.
Xiaomi is the brand that most limits the use of battery by apps, but Huawei and Honor phones also apply restrictions through the EMUI customization layer.
Although the problems with the Covid Radar application do not seem common in these brands as they are in Xiaomi, it is useful to know how to change the settings to avoid it.
You can change the battery optimization on Honor and Huawei mobiles from this menu:
Battery -> Applications start -> Covid Radar -> Disable “Manage automatically” -> Enable “Run in background”
If we are concerned about autonomy, we have explained how to save battery on Android with various methods and, if it is a recurring problem, perhaps the solution is to calibrate the mobile battery to correct the imbalances.
In any case, it is important to solve the problems with battery optimization if we use Covid Radar , since we need it to run continuously in the background to control the possible infected that we find.