How to automatically start XAMPP modules on a Windows 10

Xampp is a tool for developers that provides the opportunity to create a web development built on PHP and in the comfort of your home , without requiring an internet connection. For this reason, it is one of the main software used by web designers and developers.

How to Automatically Start XAMPP Modules on a Windows 10 PC?

Being such a useful tool, it is good to know how to handle it and make the most of it , and for that reason this time we will talk about the modules that are included in the Xampp package, as well as how to configure them so that they start automatically when you turn on your laptop or computer.

Index( )

  1. What are the modules you have when installing XAMPP on your PC?
    1. Apache
    2. PHP
    3. MySQL
  2. What steps must be followed to enable the automatic start of XAMPP services on your computer?
    1. how shortcut
    2. as application
  3. How to configure autostart modules in XAMPP?
  4. How to disable autostart in Windows 10 of XAMPP modules?

What are the modules you have when installing XAMPP on your PC?

Xampp is a distribution of Apache, the main open source web server used for sending content. This contains different free software that, in turn, constitute its name. The first of them is Linux, which is the operating system where Xampp is installed, it is freely distributed, free and secure , and does not require the purchase of licenses.


It is a free and open source web server software, in which almost 50% of the web pages that exist on the internet are developed. It is funded by the Apache Software Foundation and can be downloaded from their website.

Apache allows the owners of web pages to serve content on the Internet, that’s why it is called a web server. It should be noted that it is more than 20 years old since its launch, and that it continues to establish itself as one of the most reliable and oldest servers.

A web server works in the following way: you write the domain address of a page in the browser’s URL, then the server sends the requested file packages, acting as a virtual delivery.


It is the recursive acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor, PHP is an open source language quite popular in the development of web pages and is compatible with HTML.

Usually several commands have to be used in order to display the HTML, that is in C or Perl. However, PHP pages contain a part of HTML code with embedded code that allows actions to be taken, for example displaying a text, the famous ‘Hello world’ . Also, in PHP you must use tags to delimit the beginning and the end of the code, these are <? PHP and ?>.

PHP allows beginners to create their script in a few minutes , thanks to its simplicity, easy handling and extensive documentation, and allows the most experienced to develop really interesting projects, without the end user knowing that it is being developed behind the scenes. Also, you don’t need to download Xampp to enjoy the virtues of PHP, downloading it is very simple.


It is an open source related database management system, using the user-server model. Likewise, this software is widely used to create and manage databases established in a relational model. Now, a database is nothing more than the collection of data in a structured way.

A song you download from the web is the data and your phone’s memory is the database. A database is a system in which information is stored in data sets and then organized into tables. After organizing and storing the data in tables, they are related in some way.

What steps must be followed to enable the automatic start of XAMPP services on your computer?

Now, it only takes a couple of steps for you to enable Xampp to start automatically when you turn on your computer. And if your computer works with the Mac operating system, don’t despair, because you can also install Xampp on your Mac computer . There are two ways to enable Xampp autostart on your Windows 10 PC. We will start with the shortcut option.

how shortcut

  • To start, we must already have Xampp installed on the computer, and then access the path ‘C: \XAMPP’
  • Inside the folder we look for the file called ‘xampp-control’ and right click on it and select ‘Create shortcut’.
  • Next, the shortcut will be created, copy it.
  • Then we go to the path ‘C: \ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs’ and paste the shortcut in the root.
  • Now when you start the Windows 10 Xampp will start at the same time.

as application

For this process, the same Xampp application is used and it is important that you access as an administrator. First we must access the Xampp control panel and click on the ‘Config’ button.

In the window that will open, look for the ‘Autostart of modules’ section and select all the boxes that you want to start automatically. We click on the ‘Save’ button and that’s it. Now Xampp is configured to start with Windows 10.

How to configure autostart modules in XAMPP?

To configure each one of the modules that Xampp comes with is very simple. In the Xampp control panel all the modules that you have enabled appear and to the right of each one there are several buttons, you must click on ‘Config’ and you will be able to access the customization options of that module.

How to disable autostart in Windows 10 of XAMPP modules?

To disable the automatic start of Xampp when starting Windows 10 you must undo the steps mentioned above, that is, in the event that you have activated it through the direct access you must delete that direct access from the path ‘C: \ProgramData\Microsoft\ Windows\Start Menu\Programs’ where you pasted it.

If you enabled it through the Xampp control panel, you must open the control panel as an administrator, it is very important that you do so for the changes to take effect. When opening the control panel you must again select the ‘Config’ button that is located in the right column of the control panel. Uncheck the boxes of the modules you don’t want to start with Windows, click ‘Save’ and you’re done. Xampp will not start anymore when starting Windows 10.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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