How to add friends on Snapchat

Today we will see how to add friends on Snapchat. One of the most popular social networks of the moment. Maybe not as much as Instagram or Facebook . But we cannot deny that it has a fairly loyal user base that makes use of it on a daily basis.

Social networks are the bread and butter. Millions of people enter it throughout the week to share countless content of all kinds. Snapchat is one of them and has millions of users.

How to Add or Add Friends on Snapchat Easily

Do you want to know how to add your friends on Snapchat? The way this social network works is a little different from those mentioned above. However, it is all in all pretty easy to learn how to add friends to my Snapchat .

Follow this tutorial that we will teach you a little below and in a short time you will be able to add all the friends you have on your phone and social networks . It is a fairly simple guide that in a few steps will allow you to expand your list of friends with whom you share different content on this fun social network.

How do you usually add friends on Snapchat?

The most common way to add friends on Snapchat is by exchanging usernames . In this way, it does not need to be in the contact list of your mobile phone since you can find it on this social network thanks to its username.

You cannot add anyone with their email or their real name. It is essential that you know the exact username of the person you want to add. Therefore, you should ask that person what username they use on the social network .

In case you want to know his username, you can visit his other social networks to see if his accounts are linked or simply ask him.

How to add friends on Snapchat?

  • What you need to do is slide the screen down into the camera. You will be able to see a Snapchat code, screen name, username and the score.
  • Now click on ” Add friends “.
  • After this you will have to click on ” Add by username “.
  • In this section you will have to add the exact username of the person you want to add.
  • Once you find that user, simply click on the button to the right of his Nick ” + Add “.

How to find and add friends on Snapchat

Another way of obviously adding someone to Snapchat is by using their profile URL. In this way you will be able to directly enter your profile on this social network. It’s a pretty quick way to access your content and add it.

  • If you ask a friend to send you their Snapchat link and open it from a mobile where you have the application installed either for Android or iOS. Then the profile will open directly in your app.
  • Once it opens in the application, simply go to the option ” Add friend ” and in this way you can add this new friend to your account.
  • If you want to add friends by phone number . Then the ideal is that you first add them to your contact list and then add them to the social network.

On Snapchat, you can’t use the phone number to search for users directly on the social network. However, you can use your contacts to be able to find them without any kind of problem.

As you can see, it is not difficult at all to learn how to add friends on Snapchat. We know that this social network does not work like the others. However, it is also not impossible to add your friends to share content.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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