How to find and add friends on Roblox?

How to find and add friends on Roblox? Find friends on the Roblox page, search for users, invite while you play, also from mobile or tablet

Contents hide ]

  • 1How to find and add friends on Roblox
    • 1Friend requests
    • 2Delete Friends
  • 2How to Find and Add Friends on Roblox – While Playing
  • 3How to find and add friends on Roblox – Mobile and Tablet
    • 1Mobile or Cellular
    • 2Tablet

How to find and add friends on Roblox

To find a friend, user or player, first go to the Friends or Friends section . Because if you don’t go to that section and put the username in the search bar, games with similar names will appear.

From there write the name of your friend or user in the search bar and all users with a similar name will appear. Without having to enter the profile, from the search results, you can click on Add friend or Add Friend and your friend request will be sent

Friend requests

After sending a friend request (add friend) whoever receives it must accept so that both users become friends.

Again, go to the Friends or Friends section , and once there to the Requests or Requests tab (the fourth). From there you can see all the friend requests you have, and reject them (ignore) or accept them (accept)

Delete Friends

Again go to the Friends or Friends section, find the friend you want to delete, enter their profile and click on the red button at the top right , next to chat

How to Find and Add Friends on Roblox – While Playing

Sometimes you are playing a game and you want to invite someone from within the server whom you do not know. You can write down the name and follow the previous method, but there is another option that is much easier and faster:

Press ESC on the keyboard and go to the players or players tab (usually the first one). From there you will see all the players on your server and to the right of each one the option to add them as friends.

How to find and add friends on Roblox – Mobile and Tablet

Mobile or Cellular

  1. Press the button Further down the screen
  2. Press Friends
  3. You will see a search icon (magnifying glass) above) Find the Search bar icon at the top
  4. Enter your friend’s username and search
  5. To the right of your username you will see the option to add it


  1. Press the start button (at the bottom of the screen)
  2. Click on the icon at the top of the screen
  3. Write the name of the player you want to invite
  4. You will get a list, click on the name of the user you want
  5. Click on send friend request
  6. Tap the  Send Friend Request button

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