How to activate or deactivate mobile data to reduce consumption?

Having control of the data on our mobile phone is very important, in this way we can avoid spending more money than indicated. This is why you have to learn how to activate or deactivate mobile data to reduce consumption? For this reason we have prepared a simple guide to do it easily on both Android and iOS.

Mobile data can be very useful, but if we do not take precautions in relation to our consumption, it could incur considerable costs . It is for this reason that it is essential to know how to activate and deactivate them, a process that is very simple and that you will learn below.

Similarly, taking steps to save mobile data when watching YouTube videos and many other methods are something we recommend you consider.

How to activate or deactivate mobile data to reduce consumption? For android

Undoubtedly the easiest method to deactivate or activate the mobile data of our Android device is through the classic contextual menu of the operating system. To perform the procedure follow these steps:

  1. In the case of Android, the data deactivation process is quite simple, for this we must access the context menu that appears when we slide the screen down. We refer to the one where different options appear such as activating Wi-Fi, activating Bluetooth, etc.
  2. Within this cluster of options, you will find the option to activate and deactivate the data on your mobile device.
  3. In most cases, just press once on the mobile data icon to activate or deactivate it accordingly.

Either way, keep in mind that other steps need to be taken. For example, you should consider saving mobile data when using Facebook , as the application often incurs significant expenses.

Disable Android data from system settings

In the same way, it is also possible to deactivate the data on Android using the mobile device’s settings menu. To follow this method read the following information:

  1. Click on the configuration options, which you can access by clicking on the “Settings” button .
  2. In this section, you should go to the “Connections” section where everything related to the phone’s wireless connections will be shown, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and clearly also the operator’s networks, that is, mobile data.
  3. Click on  Data usage “, this section should show the option to correctly disable mobile data on your device.

Remember that you can also decrease the consumption of mobile data on Instagram . Something that we recommend, since the application tends to consume mobile data quickly.

How to activate or deactivate mobile data to reduce consumption? For iphone

Disabling data on your iPhone device can be very convenient to save data and money. By following the steps that we will show you below, you can do it very easily without major inconveniences.

  1. One of the easiest ways to disable data on your iPhone device is by sliding the control menu . We refer to that menu that appears when you slide the screen from the bottom up.
  2. Next to the “Airplane mode” icon , you will find a small antenna, this antenna specifically refers to the mobile data of your cellular operator. To activate it you just have to press on it, in the same way to deactivate it the same process is repeated.
  3. It should be noted that when the data is activated, the icon will be green , while when it is deactivated it will be transparent.

Disable data on iPhone through settings

In the case of not being able to deactivate the data with the previous method, there is another way with which you can surely easily access this option. Please read the following guide carefully:

  1. Another way you can deactivate the data on the iPhone mobile device is by going to the configuration section, which you can access by clicking on the “Settings” icon .
  2. Among the multiple options present you will find mobile data, to deactivate it you will only have to deactivate the option.
  3. In the same way as you can see, it is possible to activate and deactivate other options related to the applications, so that you can control the data consumption of each one.
  4. For example, the data roaming option is something that in many cases should be deactivated to save and reduce consumption. You can access it in the “Mobile data” section and later in “Options”.

Finally, keep in mind that the WhatsApp application is one of the most Internet consuming, so it is essential that you consider canceling automatic WhatsApp downloads on iPhone , in this way you should not worry about exaggerated consumption of this App.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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