How MetaHuman Creator works

Unreal Engine are responsible for having created one of the most powerful graphics engines that exist today for the creation of games mainly, although very recently a new engine created Unreal Engine called MetaHuman Creator , an application with which we can create almost real humans, today we will explain what it is, how it works and how we can register.

The graphic engine of a game is one of the basic pieces for its creation , Unreal Engine is an engine that we can download for free, and we can also learn to use it without having to know programming, although it helps that we know something about the field of programming.

During the next article we will see how we can download Unreal Engine to be able to use the MetaHuman Creator editor and thus begin to create humans almost so real that they will look like something out of the movies.

How to activate the A2F in the Epic Games Store

MetaHuman Creator, a giant advance in artificial intelligence

First of all we will have to have the Unreal Engine software installed on our computers, which we can download from the Epic Games Store , so you will have to follow these steps to install Epic Games on your computer:

  • Access the Epic Games Store website.

Web: Epic Games

  • You can create an account with any of the following social networks:
  • The next step will be to download the Epic Games installer, for this we will have to click on the “Get Epic Games” button .
  • Once downloaded and installed, we will open the Epic Games Store application and log in with the account that we created before.
  • Now we will have to look in the left panel for “Unreal Engine” .
  • We will click on the Unreal Engine 4 icon and on “Install” .

Register for MetaHuman Creator Early Access

Once we have finished installing the Epic Games Store application and the Unreal Engine application on our computer, we will have to request registration for the early access of Meta Humar Creator, as it is currently in the testing phase and there are many requests that are getting for the record.

Still follow these steps to request prior registration:

  • Once the installation is finished we will have to register for the trial version of Meta Humar Creator, for this we will have to visit the following website:

Web: MetaHuman Creator Registration

  • We will have to register, we will go to the bottom and click on “Request Access” and fill in the fields that indicate us.
  • Once this is done we will have to wait for them to send us the email to give us access to the early access of the MetaHuman Creator application, although to see a little how it works we can download “Bridge” and see more than 50 MetaHumanos models for free.
  • Download Bridge for Windows.
  • We will have to look for the option “MetaHumans” in the left panel.
  • We can see the more than 50 examples of MetaHumanos created , because as soon as we have the MetaHuman Creator application we can start from that template to continue editing it.

How MetaHuman Creator works

MetaHuman Creator is a cloud-based application , in which we will start from an initial modeling with which we can begin to “play” with the creation of different MetaMuman, that is, we can combine different races, skin colors, facial features and even the gestures when showing emotions.

We can see the following video in which we see how this great editor really works that will open a new world when creating people in the world of video games and who knows if it will ever be used for the use of artificial intelligence and conferences with holograms.

So now that we know what it is, how it works and that we are already registered , we can only wait for the confirmation email to be able to download the MetaHuman Creator application and thus be able to experiment with the creation of almost real people.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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